Chapter 12: Complicated Relationship

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Seb had arrived at his residence in Ellighausen, Thurgau. He had decided to go home and would stay for a day or two before he flew to England. If he should be honest, he was too lazy to meet Bernadette. He was sure that she would ask him why he didn't go home after the French GP.

He pressed the doorbell and waited. When there was no sign that the door would be open, he pressed it once again. After a few moments, she finally opened it.

"Seb!" Bernadette immediately hugged him as she was so elated that he finally went home. "I've missed you so much. Let me help you to-"

"It's fine. I can bring it myself." Seb brought his suitcase into his house and Bernadette locked the door.

"I'm so happy that you are finally here. Congrats for your podium!" Bernadette pecked his lips with hers but he didn't give any response, which made her sad. "Seb, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm tired. I'm gonna sleep now."

"But Seb, you've just arrived now. Don't you miss me? Don't you want to talk with me before you go to sleep?"

"No, Bernadette. Please understand me. I'm tired," Seb said, snapping a little at her.

He left her alone to their bedroom. He really wasn't in the mood to talk with her. He didn't care what would happen on the following day. His bed and pillow were so much more important for his fatigue body.


Bernadette had woken up earlier. She had planned to make a special breakfast for Seb and herself. She was in the kitchen, making some pancakes. She also poured milk into two glasses. She served all of them on the dining table.

She was sitting on a chair there. Sometimes, she checked her phone and opened her clothing store's official account on Instagram. She read and liked all comments from people who praised the collection she sold.

About half an hour later, Seb entered the dining room. He looked fresh after bathing. He had also shaved his beard. He felt a little guilty as he had snapped at her after he arrived home.

"Hi," Seb kissed her cheek.

"Hi, Seb. Sit down."

Seb sat down on the opposite side of her. "Bernadette, I want to apologize about last night. I was really exhausted. I didn't mean to snap at you."

She smiled at him. "It's fine, Seb. I can understand that."

Bernadette really hoped that it would be a good start for both of them to fix their relationship. They finally had their breakfast. Seb praised her for making a tasty pancake. She promised that she would often make it for him.



"Where did you go after the race in France?"

As Seb expected, she would ask about that. "I immediately went to Austria."

"To Graz?"

"I went to Vienna first. On Tuesday afternoon, I went to Graz. Antti and Britta had been there as she has the spare key."

Bernadette put down the knife and fork on the plate. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I needed time to be alone. I needed to clear my mind."

Her eyes were suddenly teary. "Why, Seb? You know that I've missed you so much. I want you to be here with me."

"Bernadette, please understand me. I can't always be with you. I believe that you also need time to be alone sometimes."

The tears successfully escaped from her eyes. "Seb, you should also understand me."

Seb stood up from his chair. "Bernadette, I don't want to argue with you. If you look for me, I will be in the gym room."

Back To You (Sebastian Vettel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें