Chapter 66: Two Become One

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Seb had slowly woken up. When he fully opened his eyes, he saw his beautiful wife still sleeping peacefully beside him. The previous night was wonderful for both of them. The intimate moment that would be unforgettable. He thought back to the moment when Gia was beneath him, when their bodies were joined.

He tucked some of her hair behind her ear to see her face clearly. She was an almost perfect woman to him. When he thought so, it wasn't only about her beauty, but it was also about the greatness that was on her heart.

The touch by Seb's hand made Gia awake. A slight surprise appeared on her face as she wasn't used to sleep with a man yet. But, knowing that it was Seb, her husband, she smiled broadly.

"Good morning, gorgeous," he greeted her.

Gia was about to reply when Seb gave her a brief kiss. "Hi, good morning, my champion."

He chuckled hearing her reply. "Did you sleep well?"

"Of course, I did. You?" she asked before yawning. It seemed like she was still very sleepy.

"I think that it was the most proper sleep I've ever had. Erm, did I hurt you last night?" he asked as he was afraid if he was too rough on their first night.

Gia buried her face on the pillow as she was too shy to recall their most intimate moment the previous night. But then, she faced him again. "No, far from it. You were amazing last night," she smiled sheepishly.

"So were you."

Seb felt like he wanted to be there all day. He felt sleepy again as she was stroking his chest with her fingers and giving some little kisses on it. But on that day, he had booked a private dining room to have lunch with their families at Restaurant Le Ciel which was located at the Grand Hotel Wien.

"The ceremony and reception yesterday were wonderful, Seb. Thanks again for making my dream come true to marry here in Vienna."

"You don't need to thank me, Gia. I'd do everything for you. The last thing that I would do is to make you cry again."

Gia took his hand that was caressing her hair and held it tightly. "You'd never do that again, Seb."

Seb smiled at her. "I promise."

"Erm by the way, what time is it?"

"Let me check my phone." Seb finally sat up on their bed. He reached his phone on the nightstand. "It's 8:27."

Gia rubbed her eyes. "Ah, I need to prepare for our breakfast. What do you want to have, Seb?"

"A bowl of porridge is fine. And there are some fruits as well. You can choose some for the topping."

Seb was the first to leave the bed. He walked to Gia's side. Surprisingly, he lifted her body with a bridal style. She patted his chest. "Seb! What are you doing?!"

He laughed. "Of course I'm gonna bring you to the bathroom. We will bathe together."

"Together?" Gia immediately blushed as she thought of taking a shower with him.

"Why? You weren't that shy last night."

Seb groaned quite loud as Gia pinched his arm. But he still brought her to the bathroom inside their shared bedroom. It was quite obvious that taking a shower wasn't the only thing he would do there with her.


After wearing her coat, Gia took her comb to brush her hair. She looked at the mirror while brushing her long, brunette hair. She put it again minutes later on a dresser in front of her and after that, she looked at two different rings that were put inside an opened box.

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