Chapter 54: Wedding Plan

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On Tuesday, Gia, Adelina, and also Gilbert and his little family went from Berlin to Heppenheim. It took more or less 6 hours to get there by car, so they went as early as possible. While, Seb had been in his hometown since the previous Sunday night.

As there would be the German GP at Hockenheimring that weekend and the circuit was quite close to Heppenheim, he decided to stay at his parents' house, of course with permission from his team.

In the afternoon, they arrived at Seb's parents' house. He walked out of the house right after he heard the sound of a car. And he smiled when all passengers got out of the car. First thing he did was greeting Adelina. "How are you, Mrs. Hassler?"

Adelina gave a quick hug for him. "I'm good. What about you, Seb?"

"I'm fine, thanks," Seb said right after he pulled away from her. Then, he saw his beautiful girlfriend walking towards him. "Hi, Gia."

"Hi, Seb." Seb kissed Gia softly before he wrapped his arms on her. "I miss you so much," she whispered at him.

"I miss you too." Seb pulled away from Gia as he hadn't greeted Gilbert, Sophia, and Leonard yet. After that, he invited them to come inside the house.

When they entered the guest room, Seb's parents and Fabian had been there. All of them shook hands and also hugged before they sat down.

"We're so happy to see you all again here," Heike started their talks.

"So are we, Heike," Adelina replied.

"Seb, do you want to start?" Norbert asked his eldest son who was sitting next to Gia.

"Yes of course, dad," Seb said. He was quite nervous. He could feel that his hands were clammy. "First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming to my parents' house today. I'm so happy that we can finally gather here. As you all know, the reason why I invite you to come here is because Gia and I want to talk about our wedding plan."

They glanced at each other and smiled. "I'm so convinced that she is the one for me. I know that I hurt her in the past, but I will make sure that it will be the first and also the last time for me to do that. I can't stop being grateful that Gia can accept my apology. Since then, I promise that I will always make her happy. I will definitely marry her," Seb said surely.

"I plan to marry her in December, as I think that I will have more free time in that month. And now, Gia and I need some suggestions about the date and place," Then Seb looked at his wife-to-be who had started teary. "Do you want to say something?"

"Of course," Gia nodded. "First, I want to thank you and your family for welcoming us here," she said to him. "And as Seb has said, we want to talk about our wedding plan. Since years ago, I always believe that Seb is the one who can make me fall in love again and again. I really want you all to forget everything that happened in the past. We can learn from that and we should look forward,"

"Erm, as I live in Austria with my mother in the last 4 years, I've dreamt to marry in Vienna. But, if you have any other suggestion, I will happily accept it. And about the month, I leave it to him as I understand that he is very busy all the year, and December is probably the best or the right one."

Gilbert raised his hand as he wanted to interrupt. "Sorry, Seb, but if I'm not mistaken, this season will be held until December, right?" he asked.

"Yes, you're right. The final race will be held on the 1st. Then, usually on the following week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, there are post-season tests. After that, I will start entering my winter break," Seb explained. Then, he added, "On the third week, there are usually the Ferrari Convention and Christmas Party. So, I guess that I will fully free on the second week."

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