Chapter 69: Part Ways

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Gia was sitting in the dining room, waiting for Seb as he was making a special breakfast for her and the baby inside her tummy. As she was on the first trimester of her pregnancy, she sometimes experienced the morning sickness which could strike at any time.

But she didn't want to complain. She wanted to enjoy every moment because it wouldn't last forever. She often asked and learnt about pregnancy things to Adelina, Heike, Sophia, and also Mariska.

"Look what I've made for you!" Seb came with bringing two glasses of beverage.


He sat down in front of her. "Yes. I've made banana lime smoothie for you. I've googled that bananas are a good source of folate, which is necessary for the development of the baby's brain. Besides, vitamin B-6 in bananas can help relieve nausea."

Gia knew that Seb was really, really excited about her pregnancy, probably more excited than herself. "I didn't even know about that. Seems like you know more things than me."

"I believe that you know many things that I don't know. You often talk about pregnancy with our mothers, don't you?"

Gia stirred her smoothie with the straw. "Of course I do. Sometimes, I also ask Sophia or Mariska. And it helps me a lot."

Seb smiled at her. Without her knowing, he often googled about nutritious foods and healthy drinks for a pregnant woman. He always wanted her and their baby to be in the best condition.

The lockdown due to the pandemic turned out to be advantageous for him, as he could spend a lot of time with his wife and they also often experimented in the kitchen. He even learnt to bake some breads for the first time.

"What are you waiting for? Please try it!"

Gia nodded at him and put the straw between her lips. She started drinking her smoothie. The taste was sweet from the banana and fresh from the lime.

"Hmm..." she licked her lips, "this is so good, Seb. I really like it!"

"Do you? I hope that you can finish it, Gia."

"I'll try, Seb."

As she sometimes felt nauseous and even vomited several times, it was quite hard for her to finish her breakfast, lunch, and also dinner. It made him worry but the doctor made sure that it was normal for pregnant women.

"Do you want something to eat?" Seb asked.

Gia shrugged. "I don't think so. This smoothie is enough for me."

"Okay." Seb also drank his smoothie and he was quite proud that Gia liked it. He promised himself that he would make another smoothies for her next time.

Gia looked at him. She didn't want him to just drink a glass of smoothie just like her. She had an idea to make breakfast for him. "You have to eat something, Seb. You need more than just this smoothie. I will make something for you."

He refused her as he wanted her to just sit down. "No, it's fine. If I'm hungry, I can make something myself."

"No, Seb. I will make a French toast for you," Gia said before she stood from her chair.

"Wait!" When Seb was trying to prevent her, he got an incoming call on his phone. "Oh, Mattia's calling."

"Pick it up, Seb. Maybe he wants to tell you something important."

"Yeah. I'll be in our room if you look for me."

Gia nodded at him before he left the dining room. Then, she finished her smoothie before she walked to the kitchen as she wanted to prepare a French toast for his breakfast.

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