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Well I could say I had worse, But it Feels like This is bad, When its not because I'm- nevermimd.

"SAM!" I snap awake, I Walk to Bren- Him, I'm not allowed to say his name... Still no reason why, I guess he doesn't like that I have some sort of control? Stupid I know.

"C'mon were Goin to the market" I nod fumbling to his jacket so I get there first, I put it out Putting his hands in then he shrugs it on pushing me out of the way "Let's go" I look out there.. Its getting really cold out "W what a about me? I n need a jacket" he turns around like He thinks I don't need one "You Don't get one" I walk out its freezing. Only t-shirt and pants I'm going to get very sick.

"Ok Get me This this an this" he says pointing to the objects that are on the shelf, I grab them, the metal is cold.

After 20 minutes of following him around and Holding cold Cans and and a bag of potatoes were done. I see colby, he's by the swings watching me sadly, I look away following bren- Him Back to the house.

I put all the food into its rightful place and wait for more orders "Just get out of my sight, Before I start hittin you" I scramble running out to the farm.

It was so hard to stay sitting on this swing watching him hold cold store items and no Jacket or warm clothes just regular summer clothes.

I walk to the Castle slowly and looking down at my shoes stopped by a couple people who stop to say hi, trying to Warm up to me, No way I'm going to actually do anything for them, I don't like that their all touching me, only Sam Can touch my shoulder only Sam can hold my hand Only Sam can have my Heart.

I walk to my room shutting the door loudly and roughly and I cry sitting by my window.

Someones outside my room door hesitating to come in "Colby?" I look like using my eyes would stop the person from entering, I bet they won't even care, they probably just want me to shut the hell up and stop crying but I'm betting its Gage. Of course it's my brother "G go away!" I say In between cries, I don't want to talk to him right now "I'm coming in" I Barry my head in my arms "Colbs can you talk to me?" I shake my head "C can you get m mum?" He sighs and leaves me leaving my shoulder cold from lack of his warm hand "Colby Sweetums Are you ok?" I look up and hug her, I never seen her and father in a bit "I I miss him.. I miss sam bring him back please bring him back!" I sound like a child "Shh Sweetheart your going to have a headache from so much crying" I tuck my head in between her shoulder and her neck, She rocks me like a baby, usually I would Hate this But right now I kinda want it "I want Sam back too" I cry into her neck and she just sits there letting me cry "How about we go make cookies?" I look at her smiling "Cookies?" She nods, I guess it won't hurt to act like a child, being a child was more fun than being 15.

Short update and mostly a filler but I have some ideas that I need to work up to so Have a Merry Christmas :)

I'll protect you | a Solby storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ