Its not Funny!

437 11 3

Apparently the door was left open before I fell asleep, and jake came in all freaked. He woke me up, I was laying with Devyn, and he just barged in, the candles were blown out from the wind, and the house was cold from the night air.
He sits there catching his breathe because he freaked so much. I hug my baby and she hugs me back, jake is still sitting there holding his heart "Sorry Jake I didnt know the door was still open" he nods, it's weird that he was late anyways, why would he do that? Devyn is wondering the same thing when she asks jake the same thing "Why were you out so late anyways?" He just looks up at us "W well, I I c cant tell y you that" "Why not bro?" He stands up grabbing blankets, lots of them "hey we need those!" Yanking them out of his hands are harder than I thought "Well others need it, I can only tell you if you promise not to tell" I feel Devyn cross her fingers behind my back "Ok go on" he nods hesitantly "W well you know the brunette with the blonde in the castle?" I nod "Well I am helping the brunette with his family and they're in the brunettes old treehouse, I think his name is Co- Colby? I'm not sure but you remember playing with him when we were younger?" Well that was a lot of information in one sentence, i remember the blonde boy, he resembles someone i remember from my childhood memories. I cant remember who, he is there but I still dont know who he is.

I grab the blankets and I run to the tree line, I slow a bit inside the forest, Bears or other night creatures might be around, I walk on the path that slowly disappears when you get closer and closer to the tree house, you can see the path I took because the grass is laying down.

Climbing the Tree house with Blankets is harder than I thought "Can someone Help me?" I yell up the ladder, the Boy, he peeks his head over, He nods, I stand there waiting for the boy and girl to come down. I give them a blanket each and I carry Two up, the Mother and Father are already asleep "They're worn out because they barely sleep.. they sleep while they can" I nod, I carefully cover them both with the Two blankets. They move towards each other more "G'Night" i climb back down and slowly walk back to the path.

I can barely keep my eyes open, I lay on the soft grass and close my Eyes.

Birds, I hear birds they are loud, I reach for a blanket but my hand comes back empty. I groan and get up wiping my legs off.

Stumbling out of the forest into the town. Food is what I smell automatically, like a bullet from a gun, the smell of Baked Buns, Cheese cakes, and a new smell, are shot towards me as I walk through the Small home door.

Corey and Devyn are still asleep. I wake them up, they wipe their eyes and slowly walk to the little kitchen, sitting at the end of the island and grab the apples I set there a couple days ago.

Wonder what the Colby and the Blonde Boy doing? Are they Going to the treehouse? Are they eating and leaving the family at the Treehouse? Are they just gonna forget about them and leave them? I dont have answers to those until I ask. Which reminds me "So do you recognize the Blonde boy colby is with?" Corey finishes his apple and throws it out the open kitchen window "Yeah I recognize him, can't remember his Name though.. He seemed Familiar to me though" I nod, holding onto the chair looking back at old memories trying to find the blonde boy in any of them, I see him in some but he doesnt say his name, and nothing reminds me on who he is.

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