Aunt and Uncles Castle...Sams.. Family?

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I dont but I do at the same time, wanting to come on this idea that colby has,but I want to know if My family is ok. I Feel worse, much worse than yesterday, the sea sick idea worked, he let my lay on his lap.

On the Boat.
My head is pounding, a big headache, My mouth as dry as the desert, My nose is snotty, I dont like it, I sit, the boat rocking back and forth is making it worse, I'm so close to vomiting, Colby sits beside me "Sammy are you feeling ok?" No point in hiding it, maybe he'll help me feel better, I shake my head no, he pulls me in "N not so fast" he slows his movements down, he lays me on his lap, my head against it, he closes my eyes "Sleep" I object for awhile, but sleeping might help, I curl onto him, half way to cuddling his waist.

Sam is Sea sick, he doesnt look well. I let him lay his head on my lap, he's practically cuddling my waist, I confess, I dont budge, im glad my aunt and uncle are below or they wouldn't like this, I dont care what they think about this anyways.

I come back to the world, My headache is gone, my Nose is Dry, no Snottyness, Colby is holding me, he's watching the sunset, it's pretty, over the ocean, Pretty orange, pink and yellow, And the ocean, Colbys Eyes are the same, it's all beautiful, I wish I wasn't feeling sick, because I wish I can freeze this moment, but I want my family. So I cant.

We are about half way there, another Day and we'll arrive, I hope Sam feels better, I wish it were me that were sea sick, not him.

Nighttime, Sleeping time, Sam is afraid to sleep, Nightmares, It takes his sleep away, Steals it and throws it in the trash like its garbage. It seems to be better when I'm Cuddling him. Maybe theres a bed that we can share so he can sleep peacefully. I bring Sam down, he is still sleeping, I lay him on the outside, I see a bucket, I grab it in case he wakes up Puking. Dont want him getting all messy. I lay there playing with his hair, I'm not tired yet, not even close, I take in his features, The way his breathing is, up, down, pause, and then up, down, I look at his hair, messy, blonde, longish, I take in his Smell, I smell, Trees, And almost a baby smell? Like how a baby smells after a bath, A good smell, not those icky baby smells, he is turning, I automatically hold him, is it overheating things when I say our bodies fit perfectly together when we cuddle?

~1 day after~
Well it seems like Sam lasted through the night without puking, he looks better. We are off the boat on a carriage to the castle, Sam is looking on the carriage floor, I look out the window, grassy hills, Fields full of Cows, then a village and the castle moves into view, then there is this family, A girl with brunette hair, a boy with messy blonde hair like Sam's, and a mother an father not in view, I nudge sam "Isnt that them?!" I whisper yell to sam so my aunt an uncle dont hear, he looks where I'm pointing, He seems to want to jump off the carriage to the Garden that they are currently working at to go see them, I hold him back, I whisper sorry in his ear, he is sad, I sit him beside me, as were going by them, Sam's mother looks at the carriage, I know she seen Sam because her face lit up with happiness, Sam, well he cant keep his smile in.

My mother sees me, she smiles, it's been long since I seen that smile, I cant help but smile back. I want to jump off this carriage and hug them, but i cant, I have to contain the excitement that my family is freaking right there!. This is the happiest I have ever been, it's going to be harder to contain the excitement in the castle if they work for them.

Sam's Mother~
Sammy, I see my Sammy riding the carriage to the Castle, I Tell my husband, then i tell, Allison and Ben, they look, confused and shocked, I want my Sammy with me.

Maybe I can get Sam's family alone with me and Sam sometime during this? Like when my aunt an uncle are gone do whatever they seem to need to do. It'd be easy to give one person a friend that they lost, but its going to be harder for trying to reunite a friend to his Family.

A/N publish dates for those who read this, Tuesday Thursday, have a great day :)

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