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(1 Month Jump)

It's been a full month since Sam's been With Brennen, I'm not friends with him anymore, I guess you can say I broke up with him, I can't be friends with the boy that hurts my boyfriend, I dont care if his parents are dead and he's left fending for himself he's never getting the label as friend anymore.

Its fully into winter now though, Little bit of snow on the ground but it's mostly slush or rain, I hope Sam's alright and has a coat... I can bring it to him!

I run around my room grabbing his clothes leaving his drawings, he won't need them, And plus Brennen Might ruin them, also it can get ruined by the elements in the barn hes sleeping in.

I sneak around the corner and slip into the barn I see him shivering by some chickens.. Brennen had Animals? Nevermind "Hey Angel" he looks up his face lights up in a smile, I take my jacket off putting it around him wrapping some extra blankets around that to, I sit down and pull him near me holding him like we used to in our sleep "W what a about y you aren't y you gonna g get cold?" I shake my head, I'm actually not Cold yet "I'm more worried about you Angel" I run my hands through his hair, Detangling it "I I missed you Baby Blue... I I really r really missed you" I smile and bring his face towards mine and kiss His chapped lips, its gonna be awhile until he fully heals again.

We just sit in silence, me playing with his hair him playing with my other hand until he speaks again, still shivering "B blue.. I f forgot to t tell you.. I I'm 16 now" i stop my hand and sit it on his head "When was your birthday?" He Moved his head to look at me "November" I smile "Happy Birthday" he frowns and smiles "I  I love you B blue" i start playing with his hair again this time he falls asleep, Now I'm starting to feel the coldness... Not even 5 minutes later my skin was a pink colour and I was shivering, I wish I brought another blanket, I lay beside Sam  Trying to fall Asleep.


"Blue?" I get up, my legs are cold, and I can't feel my hands "y yeah?" His face shows shock when I can barely stand without almost falling over "Baby you should have went home" I shake my head which wasnt a great idea, I hold onto his arms, trying to steady myself "I I- that was the best sleep I've had in a month" he takes a 2 blankets off him and gives it to me "t thank you" the door Is starting to open "shit" I duck behind the hay nails grabbing Sam's blankets sadly leaving him in the cold "Your off for the week since you finished everything earlier... Oh and by the way I'm going see my friend So you better not wreck anything in this barn or my house you hear me?" His Face shows calmness but his eyes show darkness, his voice is deep and is threatening.

"Angel?" He turns around hugging me "Y you have to g go before you get in any trouble..and I think h hes g going to your house anyways" I frown, he still thinks were friends? "No, I'm not hanging out with him, he hasnt been my friend ever since I was 7, I I just let him be my friend since he was the only one that showed he didnt care who I was..but i guess i was wrong- Please angel don't make me go" he frowns, I find it odd I'm begging to stay "No your going Blue" I sigh and hold him longer than needed, to me I want more.

Walking back home was miserable, I wanted sam, I needed him, Like a Drug, I became addicted.

"Mom?" I say, still dont know why she can be anywhere, I sigh and walk into the little room she set up for me when i was 5 and I got upset, she would take me in there, cozy small area with blankets, usually the room contained reading books, now it's just blankets and stuffed animals. I pick one up and Feel the fluffy fur  that was surprisingly still clean after all these years.

"Colby?" I look up, it's my mom "Y yeah?" I say wiping the tears away "Kinda thought you would be Here, You weren't on the roof today so.. what's wrong Colbs?" I Comb my hands through the wet fur "I I... I went to see Sam yesterday... I'm sorry but I need him momma I want him back!" I say crying, really I didn't need to cry "I know Colby, dont worry I'm not mad, I thought you would have gone long before..I'm surprised you held out a month" I lay my head against her neck and hold the bear in my lap "H hes 16 now by the way" she looks down at me tilting her head to see my full face "Hes older than you? By how long?" I shrug "2 months I think?" She nods she starts rocking me, Honestly I dont care because I'm so stressed and sad that I want her to do this "how about you just fall asleep and maybe you'll feel better after.. I know you got to have a headache from all the crying" I nod "C can i lay down?" She nods "I'll tuck you in and I'll check on you later" I smile, there isnt a bed but theres lots of blankets to make it comfortable "Rest well My baby boy" I smile, I love you Angel and I love you Mom.

I wake up to darkness, No, why is the light off?! Please no no no I can't go through this. I hold my head and lay against my knees whimpering.. I'm afraid of the dark and its small Which makes it worse. I can't take this, Theres no Light.. I Can't see anything, Did I do something wrong? Please open the door I'm to scared to move, Wheres mom?.. Maybe I can count, Should that help?

10 minutes later
I restart at 1, I counted all the way to 100 and its calmed me but I'm still scared "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11
45..46..47..48..49..50" I stop counting when the door opens and lights seams through "Colby?"  The door is open and the light is Shining on my face showing my tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes "Mom Its dark!" I run to her into the bright Hallway "Oh I'm so sorry I think the bulb died out I should have checked on you an hour ago" I look up at her "Brennens here.. He wants to see you" I change, I don't want to see him, he isn't allowed here "D do I have to?" She frowns nodding and I let go of her and walk to the room he was said to be in "Colby!" He jogs over to me from the piano, And high fives me.. No something's not right, And hes Not my Friend, He not my Friend why is he here?

"Cole Robery Brock!"

Does this count as a cliffhanger??? I'm not sure but Get your newspapers ready cause your going to not like His father and Brennen in the next Chappie. Oh and the newspaper is to hit Brennen and Colbys Father with because they are idiotic in this story, Just be careful with it because you dont have the upgraded edition And the ones yall have are the flimsy kind, And our printer broke so cherish those lol. Hope you enjoyed :)

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