Ice Cream

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The day carried on as usual, But something Felt weird, Almost like a dream, Why was my Brother being nice and talking to me? Why was my father Rarely Seen At all today and Why is Sam Untouched with bruises?

I shrug it off, eating the icecream "Cole?" I look up, frowning and mad "My name is Colby not Cole" It comes Out as a growl almost, I Fist My hands around the spoon, grabbing a spoonful Of icecream So I wont lash out at him "Oh right..Sorry..Colby?" I swallow the ice cream, feeling my throat Go cold "Nevermind" he says it like it's not directed to me, but it sounds like its supposed to be "o..k" I almost get another Spoonful until He Stops me "No I have to tell you something" I frown But nod sitting there for almost a minute until he replies "Our...our father Has Set this up, hes...Hes been watching us the entire time, he seen you in Sam's Bed sleeping last night, he knew how you felt towards him since Sam came here 3 weeks ago, and he Knows about the Cabin how you Were Always letting him Have apple Juice, he knows about The Market.. He knows all those things except one thing which is why he asked me to try speaking to you" the Ice cream at starts to taste Like dirt, hah of course! Of course He would be spying on me! Of course he Knew, someone was always watching!

I get up, instantly Facing My father...

Face to face

"Cole Nice Brother Bonding time?" He says with a sneer, almost Evil Grin, but not..

"Why dont we make it Father son bonding time?" He says Taking my ice cream and making me sit "S sure" he Takes the spoon and throws it at me "Get a new spoon I dont wanna eat with a dirty spoon" I nod, walking in the shop "excuse me can I have another spoon?" The lady smiles and nods handing over one, I try grabbing it, but She doesnt let go, shes holding my hand, Which is gross because she is obviously much older than me "C can you let go?" She smiles but lingers "Your welcome" I nod walking back out with a napkin in hand trying to clean off her touch "Took ya long enough thought you were Making a whole new spoon from scratch" I give him the spoon sitting down Looking At my hands, they feel disgusting "haha You deserved that" I shrink Smaller, trying to go invisible, i try lowering my head but I look up seeing a crowd around us 3, My father Yelling mean things In my ear, And lots of murmuring and sad looks on everyone else's Face when they hear What father says "that's wrong why would he say things like that?" A woman whispers "he obviously deserves the discipline" I look back down "at least someone teaches those boys some manners" how is this manners when He yells mean things? "The boy is so quiet and nice why would he need manners?" Some people Nod at that "he is, its his brother that needs this" I block out all their Whispers by blocking everything out, Covering my ears, and shutting my eyes.

That's how I sat for the next 30 minutes, covering my ears and keeping my eyes shut tight "Let's go" its Gage, He sounds mean, and he pulls me out of my seat roughly "I said lets go now hurry Up!" I nod, running up beside him "poor boy I wish i can help" only one person says that, the rest are to afraid to speak up, Only Mean things are said to me "you idiot he deserves that, he needs to feel how it is to be yelled at like that" I Look at the ground kicking a rock "well you can cook dinner tonight if you think that" I'm not even sure if wives can do that.. Is that what people Do for a relationship?

The castle doors open and I meet a smiling Sam "Hey colby... what's wrong?" I shake my head "Colbs what's wrong?" I walk forward not speaking, only speaking to myself "Co-" I turn around "I SAID IM FINE ALRIGHT!" I stomp up the stairs slamming my door and Jumping on the Bed, covering and hiding in the cave of blankets "I'm sorry Sammy" I whisper and fall asleep

Something is up with Colby, He was upset and ran to his room, I followed quietly behind him, Sitting by his door, I hear him Crying and whisper something but that's it.

Soon the crying dies down, And its silent except for a few quiet snores, i see Someone watching Me from around the corner, I tilt my head to see better but the person Disappears behind the wall, Footsteps echoing off the walls.

I quietly Open My room door, Shutting it tightly, Looking around me room Looks So sad, empty, I reach for my papers, The First drawings I see are the sheep and the trees, Then the back Of the pile is Colby, with his Angel Smile, I'm glad I captured it perfectly.


"Sam?" I flinch, I've been Daydreaming At the table "o oh I'm s so s sorry" its Colbys mom "Hi" I smile, her hand on my back, Looking at Colby on my Paper, smiling "Your very Talented" I smile, No one ever told me that, Even Colby didnt "t thank you" she grabs my other drawings "You need to draw more Sam, You are very very Talented" I nod "I have nothing to draw" she laughs "oh Sam All you have to do is look out the Window and draw what you see... or You can Go around the castle Look at a painting and recreate it with pencil" huh never thought of that "Yeah I guess... I actually never thought of that" I say laughing, Playing with the pencil "Sam... Sam, What ever Colby does or says to you... That is mean... do not listen... Do not Get to upset.. and like I said... Don't Listen..." she walks out, shutting the door, I frown looking down at my Paper, wonder what she meant by that?.

A/N Why hello There, I have This...Odd...Crappy...Evil?... Nah...let's just say idea for now... An idea That I can Manipulate Into the story...Let's see if you can notice it With the upcoming Chappies :))

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