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I lay in my bed, I hear Sam's muffled cries. Nightmares, he always has them, he is afraid to sleep, I know becuase I am very observant around him, although yesterday... My back was turned so I didnt know he was even there ok, so chill.

It's on replay, this nightmare, its plays over and over.
"MOTHER!" I run towards her as a robed figure is getting closer and closer, a flame lighting beside her, I get closer and closer, but she keeps moving, I cant reach her, my breaths are shortening, my legs giving up, my mind wanting me to keep running. I blank out on the ground, picked up by another robed figure, this time the person takes his hood off. Its Colbys Father, he brings me towards my mother, my father is in sight, same with my siblings but... Colby is in sight.. why? He has a black robe, hood off, theres a free seat beside him, I am thrown into the chair, put onto a wagon, and brought to water.
The same thing happens. My hands are tied, colby pushes me off the deck, but this time his father joins, His father has extra rope, ties my legs, but this time Colby Speaks "Sammy" he says it once, then I'm pushed off,  I squirm, kick, it takes all my energy, the water surrounding me is darker as I reach the water floor, I wont be making it to the surface, I'll be forgotten, no one will now I'm down here. Everything is cold, I feel empty, this is a new part of the nightmare, this time, it feels as though I am going through Death.

I walk into Sam's room, He is Crying, he is sweating like crazy, I shake him trying to wake him up "Sammy... Wake up" he doesnt wake "Sammy" he stills sleeping, I cant wake him.

I wake up in this dark, cold place, like I'm in a tunnel, but the tunnel doesnt end, I am starting to sweat. But I'm cold, I'm shivering, so why am I sweating? I'm no where closer to the end of the tunnel, all I want is to wake up!

He is still sleeping,  I want him to wake though, he doesn't stop crying, his nightmares are what keep him from sleeping,  I try waking him "Sam please wake up" I shake him again, maybe some water on his face? It's what wakes up other people. I walk towards the bathroom, I grab the cup on the side of the sink fill it halfway with some warmed water, I open his door, I feel him, hes cold, glad I got the warm water, I pour a little bit on his face, he wakes up scared "No sam shh shh.. It's me Colbs, you were having a nightmare, I couldn't shake you awake... and I didnt like that you were crying and I couldn't do anything" he wipes the water off his face "well thank you... I don't like them... you were in my dream... and your father" Weird "Why me?" He sits up, wiping his eyes "Not necessarily you... You are angry... Dark... and... different?... But the body is you" I hug him "Well its not... whatever happens in your dream that I do... it's not real.. i wont do that... even though I seem to mess everything up" we just sit there, I sit there calming him down "you now.. at the icecream shop.. I had no clue what I agreed to,until later when brennen pointed behind me at you... he started laughing like crazy, I tried running up to you..  to explain everything, but you were running here fast...and I couldn't explain... so I see you enter the castle doors, turn to the kitchen and I sit there I was listening to what you said... and then I started pacing back and forth, but I ended up coming in... I call your name... then you start yelling, What was going through my head at the time, it was the same sentence... Over and over... I messed up I messed up badly... and then my father is walking towards you... This happened so fast, I don't know what the hell I was thinking, but I knew I had to protect you at that time... so I blocked you from my father.... I do care Sam" I let him go, hes crying "Dont cry" I wipe his tears "I'm sorry for yelling at you... not letting you explain anything" hes still crying, I wipe away a tear on his right cheek "Its ok... and I got a reply to the letter I sent to my aunt and uncle... they are coming, so let's hope our plan goes well..." hope, it shows in his eyes "C can I tell you something?" I nod wiping more tears "I... I like.. you..  more than a friend... but I know you dont like me back C-" He likes me "Shh shh, I like you too" he smiles.

I'll protect you | a Solby storyWhere stories live. Discover now