Wandering Around

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The roof is very grippy, No Sliding Roof, the wooden Roof flat, not to Many Broken areas.

The hard part which is going to the next roof without falling and slipping colby is leaning down "Colby! Be careful you Piece of garbage you could have fell!" I hold his arm "Ok chill a little Sam" He lowers his Legs to the Window sill "Colby...Colby" He lowers more so his entire body Is Lowered "Sam your short so your going to have to reach farther down than me" Yeah well I am Shorter than him, like a head shorter "Colby! I'm not that short!" I hear him laugh. That is until he sees me Lower my body "Sam damnit you could have warned me" He grabs my Feet, My hands are shaking which I have to stop or I'm gonna fall "Sam lower yourself Slowly" I only have the tip of my fingers on the roof the only thing holding me up "Go ahead now Sam" I drop "Holy Crap Sam you scared me dont drop so fast" I smile but that smile is the only thing Holding my Shaky body from Freaking out "Dont think we'll have to do that again though"

~On the Ground~
"Ok sam were gonna have to Go that way that's where I put your family" i follow his finger "The forest you put them in the forest?" He nods "I have an old treehouse in there" hmm "So you had a treehouse in the forest but you said you were afraid of the dark before?" He looks up from the rock he has been kicking around "Well yeah but I never stayed there at night just...just morning" I nod stealing the rock from his reach "Hey!" Soon we play, Kicking around while we walk towards our destination.

The ladder up is Quite high but Its not to high like mediumish Height.

Its Lunch time right now I think "Are they up there right now?" He was about to climb "They should be" I nod, And follow after him up the Ladder.

"Mom..dad?" Their turned towards the window that has no glass "Sammy!" I am pulled into a hug by both of them and before I know it There are 2 others joining "Ali, Ben?" I feel both of them nod "I missed you guys" I hug My mom first "Oh Sam I missed you so much" she wouldn't let go for 4 minutes "Mom I think Dad wants a hug" I laugh a little in there "Of course" she lets go and I walk towards dad "Huh..Didnt think I was going to be able to do this again" and he pulls me in, Almost the same as mom but not the female body, The Male body, he smells of Smoked grass? "Dad why do you smell like smoked grass?" He laughs "I burn the Grass in early summer so the it'll grow green instead of the brown"
I walk towards my siblings one Younger one older "So Sam, We can start the sibling relationship?" I nod ruffling Ben's hair and hugging Alison. She is a little shorter than me, But ben Is the same height as me "Not to tall now are you" he playfully pushes me away "Oh yeah like your not tall yourself your the same height as me" we hugged smaller time than with my other family "Colby...come meet my Brother sister and parents, in which you probably met them already but meet them again" he was sitting on the balcony part of the treehouse ladder "Cool..I'm coming" I look around I noticed the blankets "Mom where did you get those?" I point towards them "oh those? A sweet young man came and Brought them a couple nights ago" I seen that kid running in here, it was for them? I thought he was stealing them for himself to sleep in "Wait I seen that boy running into the forest with these..From the tiny closet or whatever room we were In" he looks towards the blankets whilst high fiving Ben "Really? Is that the kid you were talking about?" I nod picking up one of the blankets "wait wait wait...You were in a tiny closet or a room how come you weren't in the castle bedrooms?" I stop, How do I tell her this? "Well..I brought you guys hear..so my uncle didnt like that he put us in a closet or a room or something locked us in there for I dont know 4 5 days?" I nod, close enough to how long we were there "Well did he feed you both? Did he hurt any of you? I know what your uncle can do..An it can be bad" I nod, Those bruises were sore and purpley red and blue colours "Sam...He was, I had to though, he wanted me to turn you in...I didn't know what he was going to do, he could have done anything..the other option was he was taking Sam somewhere...Sam made that decision without me... erm...he freaked me out when he brought him back, He was dead like...He wasn't moving..My uncle brought him up on his Back..well his shoulders an...and he was hurt badly..I remember pacing the room, Breathing was hard to do" he stops to turn away, I hold his back and speak for him "What I remember is being brought down to the room you guys were in..After a couple hits I blanked out or something, because the rest of the time I do not remember..then I was brought back up to colby..I remember him pacing I can hear his feet against wooden floor, his breathing wasn't good, him taking me from the hands of his uncle...And examining my body for all the hurt his uncle gave me...Then I remember falling asleep right there on the floor...And then waking up on the other floor with a blanket on me..It hurt to move, so I tried not too" my hand is soon holding colbys, giving him reassurance that I'm ok "Colby I'm ok now..You don't have to worry anymore...But we do have to somehow make it back to your castle with your mom" he hugs me quickly, but holds the embrace for awhile, He is definitely taller than me, Ben is the same height as him, Not me, We arent close I thought i was, never mind then, dont listen to what I said before about ben being the same height "Colbs I'm fine" he let's me go wiping a tear away "I know it's just I'm sorry for what I put you through..I'm" he stops there and goes back to his place where he was sitting from before "Colbs I said dont blame yourself, I put me in the hands of your uncle..me not you..Colbs stop I could have been Put into a different family that wanted me and been worse than what you have ever done..I mean you let me have apple juice..And orange but Apple was much better" he laughs "Goofball" bring my family over "Nice view you guys had here" The back is better but we can only see the front of the tree house because the front has the Balcony part, my mom Sits next to me, then my dad, alison and ben.

We sit there just watching the trees and a animal from time to time "Colby I'm hungry" hes daydreaming at the Tree blowing in the wind, I snap my finger in front of him "what?" I laugh "we have to go get something for us all to eat colbs" he nods pulling his legs up, I pull mine up and kiss my mom's forehead before we leave "Sammy you guys be careful  out there" i nod but colby is playfully glaring at my mom "Sammy you nicknamed him that too?" She nods and leans back into my dads shoulder "God dangit I guess Goofball is the nickname I gave you" i walk towards the ladder "And Colbs is the one i gave you" And I put my foot onto the rung.

Below it's a little darker, The trees protecting us from being seen.

"Well sammy let's go" he follows the homemade path we made, I find the rock and start kicking it around, like what we did before.

A/N guess it's not that long..

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