New Beginnings

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~5 years later~

I can feel my heart pounding in my ears, Feel the adrenaline rush when we jump the fence, The Guards are coming, were trying to run away, My legs are sore as hell but I can't get caught, People now know me as the Lost Prince, cause now I'm just a lost cause to them, I stepped down from the Throne. They like Brennen, brennen likes the attention, Sam, Hes happy, he looks tired, We ran more than usual, Usually we would have been gone by now, laughing and heading home, But.. Were still here, hiding from the guards "Colby.. What happens if they find us?" Hes like a child, Fear, so much fear, He knows what will happen if were caught "Don't worry Angel.. I'll protect you"

If..if were caught, their going to see that it's me and Colby "Should we.. start running?" Theres an opening, Their gone the other way "Yeah we can go that way" he points towards the forest "Ok, Maybe we can hide in the tree" he nods, I hold his hand and run.

"Let's go!" He climbs up a tree, another tree is right beside, which I climb, not a good climber as Colby but I'm good enough not to fall "Maybe sit here 20 minutes and we safe to walk back to the house" Great "Ok" atleast I have time to catch my breath. If were caught, Their bringing us back to Brennen, Colbys Father died, His mother is old and in a townhome, Brennen Kicked her out, And now, Hes running the Castle, the town, And if were caught... Bad things can happen, And we finally settled into a home, with elton, aaron, Corey and Jake, Devyn, Corey's Girlfriend is living with us too, we even have 2 dogs, Were all living in the broken down..What is it more like.. a small castle or like a big home (The old traphouse) Is where we are living, my parents and siblings are there,  their happy, They haven't been hurt in awhile, Mom and Dad live in a small cabin by our house, Even Ali and Ben are there, apparently were to crazy to live with, but I think their just shy around our other friends.

"Ok, I think we can go now" oh it's been 20 minutes already? I start climbing down, I can feel how sore my legs are, and its really hurting to move but I'm gonna have to move, almost tickles the way that my legs are throbbing "Blue haha my.. Legs are Asleep I think" I can't stop laughing, It tickles so much though.

"Elton!" Ah Nice to be home after a couple weeks of running, I'm guessing Elton scared Corey with something stupid again "Hey Guys! Look who's back!" Colby yells opening his arms like hes going to hug someone "And Sam!" I say laughing doing the same thing, They come over laughing, smiling and they hug us "Bruvaaa" Corey says while dancing towards us, What a silly dance "Bruvaaaa!" I say trying to mimic his moves, I probably look more goofy doing it, and when were done we hug, were home. After that we sit by the living room, their asking questions about how the week went, asked if we got hurt, If were tired, and... some very uncomfortable questions that came with smirks.

But I'm not mad, im more happy, I probably wouldnt have had these friends if we never ran away, Or if we didn't go back to my home, So, I'm happy, They are my family, In an odd way, I like when they make fun of stupid things, or assume private things, Not necessarily private..but personal.

We just got to live.. and not get caught when were Breaking in to places, And maybe... Just maybe.. were gonna Be happy.. with a little bit of fights in between, But those won't be problematic because I know we can make it through something that small me and Colby. My Baby blue... Will make it.

I love you Blue.

I'll protect you | a Solby story
                 ~ The end ~

I'll protect you | a Solby storyWhere stories live. Discover now