No biting

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*Kageyamas POV*

When I got back to Hinatas house Tsukishima was asleep on the armchair next to the tv and Tadashi wasnt downstairs, I put away the shopping and heated up the food I made before going to find Tadashi or Hinata.

I stayed away from Hinatas room and called out for them,
"Hinata? Yamaguchi?".

"We're in here, help" a voice yelled from the bathroom, I ran into the room as quick as i could.

When the door opened Tadashi was on the floor sitting Hinata up against the wall, which is only wearing a towel, Tadashi looking panicked and Hinata unconscious. "He fell asleep in the shower" he explained while kneeling over Hinatas limb body, the shower continued to run and the room was filled with steam.

When I stepped into the room the steam grouped with Hinatas smell made it hard to breathe, I turned the shower off and opened the window before helping Tadashi dress Hinata. Tadashi kept making sure I wasn't losing it again while we dressed him and then I carried him downstairs and placed him onto the sofa.

Tadashi stared at me for a while with this strange look on his face, "Kageyama erm sorry to ask but do you like Hinata?" he asked me.
This question completely blew me off, his question didnt make sense why would I like Hinata? of course I dont hate him but I dont like him.

"what? ha no of course not"

His face looked confused, like he was doubting me, he then turned to look at Tsukishima.

"Well me and Tsuki really should leave, he's tired and you've got this rightm" he explained before he woke up Tsukishima and leaving after checking Hinata was breathing again....

Why would they leave me with him?

"mmn Kageyama?" Hinata murmured while sitting up, his smell was alot less noticable than before. When I got closer to him he lifted himself up on his thin arms, he smiled happily, weird...he shouldn't smile like that...not in this situation.

"Did Tadashi leave?" he asked, his beautiful brown eyes all big and sparkly as he looked back into mine.
"Yeah..erm" His expression inchanged by the fact hes alone woth an alpha, the same alpha that took advantage of him and indulged in a few kisses while he was in a state of submission.
"you hungry?" I asked while making my way to the kitchen, he hummed in reply, I reheated the food again while he tood some more supressants and got comfy.

"god i cant believe tadashi saw me like that" he sighed with his head in his hands, "you not worried about me seeing you?" I asked putting all the food on two plates and getting cutlery.
"not really, I feel like I can show you those sides of me" he mumbled while I brought him his food.

"Those sides?" I asked.

"You know, the erm...wrong parts of me" He struggled with his answer as if he didnt know what to say, after answering he begun to eat.
"the wrong parts?" I asked between bites of food.

His face turned beet red and he turned away he squirmed a little in his seat, "the dirty parts" he whispered at a nearly unaudiable volume. Hinata's scent became thicker, the sweet scent crept up my nose and sent electricity running through my body making me tingle in places.

"oh shit! sorry" he yelled while covering his mouth, his scent decreased slowly as he got control over his pheromones. He let out small humming noises while urking forward and covering his thighs, his breathing became heavy and he laboured.

"I think the erm supressants are wearing off or something" he mumbled.

"you just took them, maybe you letting out your pheromones neutralised them, I hear that happens" I explained to him.

He doubled over onto the sofa, heaving and cluching onto his shirt, his pheromones practically exploded filling the room with his sweet seductive scent which made my head fuzzy.

*Hinata's POV*

Breathing is hard and I feel like my head is being plunged into water and someone his holding my head under only letting me up for a few gasps of air. I had this gigantic ache to be filled, an ache to be penittated deep into my abdomen to be scraped and dominated.

I had an itch that I needed to scratch no matter the circumstance, and Kageyama seemed to be effected by my heat although not as desperate as me I could tell he was turned on, naturally he would afterall but its only cause of my pheromones.

"Kageyama you should leave, I dont want you doing something youll regret" I managed to spurt out between breaths. He stood up and just as I though he was gonna leave he leant over the sofa, over me and leant down before slipping his tounge into my mouth, kissing me while he tore off my shirt.

His hands were hot so hot they felt like they were burning into my skin as he slid them down my chest, firmly grasped onto my sides and pulled me under him. This feeling of being dominated by Kageyama was breathetaking, he let out a low growl as he kissed my neck sending electric down my spine making it arch.

"Why wouldn't I wanna do this?" he asked while pulling off my trousers and boxers, "just please hurry" I called out as he slipped his long skinny fingers inside my acheing hole.
When he pulled them out of my slick hole there as a kind of emptyness I could feel, his hot breath tickled my neck.

He slowly pushed his thick member into me for a moment I thought I was going to tear in half but the pleasure was emence. When he had pushed all the way in up to his knot he was so deep I had forgotten how to breathe, I let out a big sigh and wrapped my arms around him as he begun to thrust into me at an ungodly speed.

"ah god you're" he huffed "so tight" he shouted before kissing my neck, biting and tugging at my collar. He whined "I wanna bite" as I became more of a moaning mess underneath him.

"No biting" I squealed a little.

"I. want. to. bite." He grumbled as he rubbed his thumbs over my nipples, he licked them before nibbling on them. I squealed and clamped down on his cock, he pushed his knot inside and hit me deep inside as we both came, my vision slowly left me before I slowly fell asleep.

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