Getting closer

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Time ticked on quickly, I watched Tobio and his mum, I got spoilt by him which was fun, he cuddled with me as much as I wanted and his mum left to stay in the house Tobio used to live in so that we could have some space and get used to her not always being there to help me when I'm confused about the baby kicking or something.

My dad wasn't too happy with me when I told them and when our parents met each other it went a little better than I had expected, but when our mum's met privately it went well like Tobio's mum predicted.
Although my dad seemed not happy about us he looked a little sad like he couldn't say how he really felt, like there was a little demon of toxic masculinity sat on his shoulder covering his mouth whenever he tried to talk about his feelings.
"I just don't see why you're having a child when you're so young and not even married yet" Kageyama's dad looked at me with such disgust it was like I was rolling around in dog shit right at his feet.

"You don't have to see why, we're doing this no matter what you say or think" Tobio pulled my closer to him almost like he was trying to protect me from his father, our mothers more or less just watched us being scared to step in and argue with him.

Although the whole thing wasn't so bad, I think it went relatively well to say our fathers are so against me and my love for Tobio. They're against us having this child even though it's our choice.

Natsu was so happy, like really fucking happy, she hugged Tobio but then was a little confused if she could hug me so she just patted my belly gently, she was exited when I said she was gonna be an auntie, her smile was so childish.
"I wondered why you was so...fat" she's blunt but not wrong, I am huge.

Tobio loves it, he loves seeing how big I am from carrying our baby and touching my belly with such pure love that I feel like I could die from an overdose of his love and affection, I love him so much that sometimes I get a bit jealous of how nonchalantly he can give me affection and flirt.
The stretch marks on my stomach stretched out across my sides like lightning in a storm, I couldn't say they're ugly cause they're not, there so beautiful to me it's like it's a permanent reminder thatI carried our baby with love.

I really do love them both so much, I would do anything to keep them safe and happy.

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