"You look beautiful"

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*Hinata's POV*

"Shoyo? why do you have a bed in your closet?" Natsu asked me curious as to why mum told her she can't go near it.

I knelt down to her level and explained that I'm an omega and that my instincts make me make a nest and that if people go near it without permission it'll make me grumpy, leaving out the high statistic about how many alphas have been sent to hospital for going near omegas nests this year.

"Hey Hinata guess what!" she chirped changing the topic like she always does, she can never talk about one subject for any longer than 10 minutes. When I asked her what her face lit up and she yelled.
"Im an Alpha!"

"Thats so cool" I exclaimed sharing in her joy but also feeling a little jealous.
Knock Knock

I opened the door and let Kageyama in, told Natsu we were going to my room and lead Kageyama upstairs.
I shut the door and crawled into my nest, he sat outside.

"so erm can i come in?" he asked while kneeling infront of me, I nodded and he carefully crawled in and got comfy. I laid on him with my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat as his arms wrapped around me.

"so do you think I was right?" he asked, his heartbeat was loud.

I sighed "Yeah" and thought about all the other things I wanted to say to him but was a little scared to, how he makes me nervous and how I feel like I could love him forever.


"just yeah?".

"I also think you're right, I feel like I could even say I love you".

He sat up quickly making me move from his chest to his lap, he smiled and exclaimed "YOU LOVE ME?!", his face was full of joy as he looked into my eyes.

I nodded meekly.

He smiled and pulled me into a rough hug, "I love you" he whispered making me explode in blushing embarrassment. He pulled me onto his lap, lifted his knees and pulled me into his arms further, he kissed my cheek as I tried to hide my face in his neck.

"can we?" he asked.

"No, but a few kissed are okay" i answered his question knowing full well what he wanted to do.

I sat with kageyama between my thighs sitting on his lap, he smiled when he saw me sitting on his lap.
"a few kisses" he whispered smiling as he leant in and pressed his lips against mine.

Then before I even knew it I was shutting the closet door and turning the inside light on, taking my trousers off and lowering myself onto his length.

"Just a few kisses" I whispered sarcastically into his ear while clinging onto him as he gripped onto my hips, facing him is hard while we're doing it cause he can see my expressions and I can see his.

His scent and mine mixed filling the closet, it was hot and steamy and sexy I guess. It was completely different from our first time, this time its a little awkward and it felt so much better.
He planted his forehead on my shoulder and exhailed sharply as I reached the base of his member, he smiled and exclaimed "God".


I gripped onto his shirt tightly, the feeling of having him inside me was amazing it felt like I was finally complete.
"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can I we just stay like this for a few minutes?" he asked while hugging me running his fingers through my hair, it soon became a little unbearable to not move and begun to move my hips, grinding on him.

He whispered in my ear, I lifted myself up and down on him.
He shuddered and grabbed onto my hips, he begun to pull me up and down roughly, making me squeal.
My moans were slightly masked by our panting but were still embarrasingly loud, but he seemed to love it, his face was all smiley and proud.

"fuck I love you so much" he mumbled under his breath, my back arched as I reached my climax, his pinned me down hitting my sweet spot making me come, after a few more secounds he soon came too.

It took us both a moment to collect ourselves, I didn't think we would do it today but here we are sitting in my nest all hot and sweaty.
Kageyama had already finished fixing his clothes and begun to try to help me cause I was having a bit of trouble with getting clothed.

"Sorry" he apologised while helping to pull my shirt over my head, he was blushing and obviously a little embarrased who wouldn't in this situation.

It was kinda funny seeing all these expressions of his that I wouldnt even be able to imagine before all of this. And I would have never thought kageyama would be this kind and gentle with me.

"Here" he handed me my pills. 

"Thanks" I thanked him before talking them and trying to stand before falling, my legs and hips bucked and gave in under me, Kageyama grabbed me just as I was about to hit the ground. "Are you okay?" he asked extremely worried while holding me in his arms.

"My legs just...stopped working" I stammered in disbelief, I had heard that this could happen but I didn't think that it would happen to me especially now. He nodded and laid me down he put my shorts on and carried me to the bathroom where he took my shorts off once again and sat me on the toilet, letting the cum drain out of me. "Please don't look at me this is disgusting" I asked while covering myself embarrassed. Kageyama knelt in front of me looking me in the eyes as he stroked my thigh gently, his face was very loving and kind. 

"You look beautiful" he complimented as he placed a hand on my cheek and stroked it gently, his other hand rested on my thigh. 

"Shut up"

He chuckled as he continued to stroke my cheek softly.

After a lot of talking and sitting in the bathroom we decided that he would help me during my heats only if i want it and that we would take it slow and spend more time together while we figured out this mess.

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