I'm so glad

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Hinata looked tired, of course he is tired he's been carrying our baby around for 9 months and has been having contractions for over 2 hours now, the doctors have been rushing around us and moving us from room to room since the doctor said that Sho is ready to have the baby.
He looked like he was in pain too, I can't do anything to help him because I feel so dizzy from the sedative that if I stand to get a doctor I'll pass out, he was squeezing my hand tightly as he watched me more like our roles were reversed.
His hand was really warm.

He groaned a little in discomfort, the doctors moved us one more time but this time it was to the labour room, he started to look a bit more relieved now like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders. "You ready?" The doctor asked Sho as if his answer mattered.
Like if Hinata just said no that they would just stop the labour.

Hinata didn't say no though, he nodded his head bravely which squeezing my hand a little, he's obviously more terrified than me he just doesn't want me to worry about him anymore than I already am. The moment the doctor rolled up Hinata's hospital gown I instantly felt like hitting him, it was one of the strongest feelings of hate I've had for a while and that was scary.
"Do you need to step out?" The doctor asked looking up at me from between Hinata's legs.

There's no way I am leaving Hinata alone.
No way in hell I am leaving him.
I want to be with him one hundred percent of the way.

"No, I wanna stay with him"

I am so glad I stayed, I'm so glad I shared this moment with him.

When the doctor showed us our little baby that we had been waiting for for so long it broke my heart, they were so perfect and adorable, all I could think was 'that's our baby, we made that'.
Hinata cried, a lot.

He was so exhausted he fell asleep right after he got to hold them.

I'm so glad I fell in love with him.
I'm so glad he fell in love with me.

It's fate - Kagehina OmegaverseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora