Chapter 28

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"Should we say something?"

"Don't ruin this moment for them."

"Maybe just clear our throats or something? Sneeze?"

"To be fair, we were meant to leave 10 minutes ago."

"When have you ever known them to be on time?"

"Just go and poke Liv, see if they'll snap out of it."

"She'll bite my hand off."

"We can hear you, you know," Rory shouted.

The girls were stood on the porch, where they had been for the past half an hour, hugging and crying and blabbering on and on.

"I just can't believe you're going to college," Lorelai sighed.

"I can't believe we're gonna be apart," Liv sniffled, hugging Rory.

"I can't believe we're not gonna see each other," Rory said.

"And I can't believe you've had this conversation 17 times in the past 30 minutes," Luke said, loudly.

"And I can't believe you counted," Jess sniggered. He walked up to the porch and put his arm around Liv, "we need to go now."

Liv gave Lorelai and Rory one last hug, before telling them to call her this evening and getting into Luke's truck with Jess. Luke said goodbye, too, and joined them.

"Got everything, Livvy?"

"I think so," Liv smiled.

"Off we go then," Luke said, smiling at her in the mirror.

Their journey to Harvard was fairly quiet, and they arrived quickly.

"Wow," Jess said, "I'm glad I'm not living here."

"Why, because you couldn't handle the intelligence?" Luke teased him.

"It's too big," Jess said.

"Too big for your little brain to comprehend?"

"Why do you think I'm stupid?" Jess sighed.

"Because you're not at Harvard," Luke shrugged.

"Thanks for the support, Uncle Luke," Jess deadpanned.

"You'd probably have done alright here, Jess. If you'd have completed high school," Liv grinned.

"Not you, too," he grumbled.

They found the building where Liv's dorm was after getting her keys and maps, and parked outside. Luke turned to face her.

"Maybe you and Jess can go and find where it is and how to get there, and then we'll carry the boxes there together?" Luke suggested.

"Okay," Liv jumped out the truck and bit her lip, nervously, "I'm on the ground floor," she told Jess, quietly.

"Let's go then," Jess said, grabbing her hand.

They walked through the large door, getting into the hallway that was surprisingly bland. The carpet was cream, with the same coloured walls.

"Looks clean," Jess remarked.

"Well, what else do you expect?" Liv snapped.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jess asked, turning her towards him and resting his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm nervous," she admitted, "and I always kinda thought mom would be here with me, dropping me off. And like I get it, there's two of us and she can only be in one place at a time, and I'm really happy that you and Luke brought me, but yeah."

"You're allowed to be nervous and a bit upset and everything you're feeling right now. But you're gonna have the time of your life," Jess said, kissing her forehead.

Liv smiled a little, "knew you'd gone soft."

Jess stepped back and groaned, while Liv opened the door to her home for the next year.

It was small. There was a small common room, with a small tv and a small couch. There were 3 doors: two bedrooms and one bathroom. One door had O. Gilmore written on it, and Liv smiled at Jess nervously, before opening it. The room, again, was small. There was a desk in the corner next to the window, with a bed at the opposite wall. Next to the desk, there was a wardrobe, and a bookcase, with some draws next to the door.

"How cosy is this," Liv grinned, "although, I have no idea where you're gonna sleep when you visit."

"I'm sure we can squeeze in there together," Jess shrugged, "let's go and get your stuff."

Liv, Jess and Luke did a few trips to and from the car, before they sat in the room unpacking. Liv's mobile rang, and her mom asked to talk to Luke immediately.

"Yes mom, my rooms fine, thanks for asking," Liv deadpanned, passing Luke her phone. He stepped out the room for a second, only popping his head in to ask Liv "if her mattress was adequate".

He passed her her mobile back and sighed, "Liv I'm really sorry but I've gotta go and help your mom with a mattress for Rory."


"Don't ask, I don't really understand. Jess, we're gonna have to go."

"Now?" Liv asked.

"You go: I'll get the bus back in a bit," Jess told him. Luke began to protest, but Jess practically pushed him out of the room, "I'm gonna have to get used to getting the bus to and from here, might as well start now."

Luke said goodbye and left, leaving Jess and Liv alone. They unpacked some more in silence, until they heard a voice.


Liv walked out of her room and was greeted by a girl with dark blonde hair, who was pulling bags and pushing a pile of boxes.

"Let me help you with those," Liv smiled, grabbing a box, "Jess, come and help!"

Jess took the box from Liv, and Liv turned to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Liv. I'm guessing I'm your roommate," she smiled.

"I'm Hayley. I'm guessing I am," she smiled.

"That's my boyfriend, Jess. He'll be gone soon, he's just helping me out," she explained.

"It's nice to meet you both," Hayley smiled.

"Are you here alone?" Liv asked.

"Yeah, I had to drive myself. My parents were working," Hayley said, opening her room door.

"Oh, right," Liv said. Her and Jess helped move Hayley's bags and boxes into her room, before leaving her to settle into her room.

"She seems nice. Your type of person," Jess said, as they sat back in her room.

"She does. I was worried I'd get stuck with a crazy person," Liv chuckled.

"Babe, you are the crazy person," Jess teased.

"Whatever," Liv rolled her eyes, "you should be getting back, Jess."

"Luke texted me. He said that there's a bus stop 5 minutes away and the last bus is at 6:27. So I've still got an hour. But if you want me to go, I can," Jess said.

"No, no, stay," Liv smiled. They settled onto the couch in the shared space, Liv wishing he were there to stay.

Soooo I wrote this chapter yesterday and just started writing the next chapter without finishing this one! Meaning that who knows, maybe you'll get a double update today?! Xoxo

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