Chapter 32

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Lorelai stormed through Stars Hollow, as fast as she could in her heels that she'd worn at work. After Liv had called her on the way back from work, she dumped her keep at her house and went straight to the diner. She pushed through the door, and walked to the counter.

"Where is he?" She said to Luke.

"I don't know," Luke sighed, "he left as soon as he gave me the phone to talk to Liv. She called you?"

"No, my daughters and I are telepathic and I know exactly when their boyfriends are breaking their hearts," Lorelai said.

"Well unfortunately I don't have that same skill with my nephew, meaning I don't know where he is," Luke said, pouring some coffee and pushing it toward her.

"I didn't ask for this," Lorelai scoffed.

"Fine, I'll pour it away," Luke said, reaching for it.

"Well I'm not going to waste it, am I?" Lorelai said, sipping it, "look, I'm going to have a look around for him. Call me if he comes back at all."

"Will do," Luke said as she left with her coffee.

She walked around a bit, checking the gazebo, Dooses' and even Miss Patty's studio.

She stepped out of the studio and sighed.

"You okay, sugar?" Babette asked, walking past.

"Have you seen Jess?" She asked.

"Probably off stealing some gnomes," Babette tutted, "you know, Pierpont has never been the same since he stole him. I can see it in his eyes."

"Better book him into therapy, in that case," Lorelai said, distractedly, "look, Babette, I've gotta go. I'll see you later. Oh, and let me know if you see Jess!"

Lorelai hurried through the town once again, ignoring Kirk shouting to her asking about the date that had been promised to him.

She stopped at the bridge, as she saw him. He sat on the edge with his legs dangling into the water, leaning on one of his arms with a cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Are you trying to look cool?" Lorelai said, making him jump.

"That's my exact intention," he drawled.

"Those things will kill you," Lorelai said, sitting next to him.

"Really? I wasn't aware," Jess deadpanned.

"What's your problem?" Lorelai snapped.

Jess stared ahead of him and simply took a drag of his cigarette.

"Right, James Dean," Lorelai huffed, taking his cigarette and throwing it in the lake, "I don't know what game you're playing, but it's hurting my daughter and as much as you may hate this, I do care about you to an extent and it's clear you're hurting, too. So tell me what's wrong so I can help you and her."

Jess laughed bitterly, "who do you think you are, my mom? Stay out of mine and Liv's relationship."

"Well someone's gotta put the effort into it seeing as you aren't," Lorelai said, "Jess, tell me what's wrong."

"What's the point in putting the effort in when she's just going to meet some clever guy from Harvard and leave me?" Jess said.

"You think that'll happen?" Lorelai asked, slowly.

"I know it'll happen," Jess scoffed, "when your mom is a screwed up junkie and your dad is as deadbeat as mine, what hope do I have for a normal life?"

"Your parents are nothing to do with your future. Hell, your parents aren't part of your present, yet you're letting them define you? Look at me compared to my parents," Lorelai said.

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