Chapter 38

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Liv sat on the sofa in her dorm with Hayley, who was under a blanket with mascara stained cheeks, eating triple chocolate ice cream.

"I don't get how you're surprised he cheated on you, Hales," Liv sighed.

"I honestly thought he was gonna be the one," she sobbed.

"You said that about the past three," Liv chuckled as her phone started to ring, "it's my mom, hang on."

She answered the phone, "hey, mom."

"Hi, Liv," Lorelai smiled, "can you talk?"

"Erm, yeah sure. What's up?" She asked.

"I'm going to paint my situation for you," Lorelai told her.

"Go ahead," Liv smiled.

"So, I'm sat in the diner. The table in the corner, nearest to Taylor's store," Lorelai began.

"Gotcha," Liv nodded.

"Luke is stood on the other side of the diner, behind the counter. On the opposite side of the counter there is a woman with short blonde hair and they're talking," Lorelai finished.

"Okay," Liv said, confused, "what's the issue?"

"The issue is that the woman is now going up to his apartment," Lorelai gasped.

"Mom, does he know you're there?" Liv asked, sighing.

"Well, yes of course he knows I'm here," Lorelai said.

"And you really think he'd cheat on you right in front of you? Luke's cleverer than that, mom," Liv chuckled.

"You're right, you're right. I wonder who she is," Lorelai said, more relaxed.

"Here's an idea: go and ask him," Liv said.

"No because then he'll know that I'm worried," Lorelai tutted.

"Did you say she has short blonde hair?" Liv asked.


"I think that could be Jess' mom," Liv told her.

"Oh. Ohhh. Now I feel like an idiot," Lorelai said.

"Jess has had some contact with her over the past month since he moved, just over the phone. I think she mentioned a school reunion or something," Liv told her.

"Wow. Okay, I'm just gonna go ahead and ask Luke," Lorelai decided.

"Good idea," Liv sniggered, "oh, Jess and I are coming back later, don't forget, too."

"How could I forget? Life's extremely boring here at the moment, you and Jess coming back this weekend is the only thing I'm looking forward to."

"Love you too, mom. Go and talk to Luke!" Liv hung up, sitting by Hayley again.

"You're leaving to go home again?" Hayley sniffed.

"I did tell you," Liv nodded.

"But I thought you'd stay here and comfort me," Hayley sighed.

"I have to go and meet Jess' mom," Liv told her.

"Oh. Well, fine," Hayley said, disappointed.

"Look, next weekend we'll go out, just the two of us. I promise," Liv said, "there's more chocolate in the fridge for later if you run out!"

Liv grabbed her bag, said goodbye and left the dorm, feeling slightly guilty for leaving Hayley alone. She got out the front of the college and saw her boyfriend. She tutted as she saw him with the window down as he smoked a cigarette.

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