Chapter 30

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Liv left her lecture and tried balancing her books in one hand, while answering her ringing mobile with her other.


"Hey, it's me," Rory chimed.

"Oh, hey, Ror. I just left my lecture, sorry I'm flustered," Liv breathed out.

"Sorry, poor timing," she cringed.

"No no, it's fine, don't worry. How are things?" Liv asked, finding a bench and putting all of her stuff down.

"Things are fine, I guess," Rory said.

"How are your roommates?" Liv asked.

"Paris is Paris, but the other two are really nice," Rory told her.

"Wait, Paris?" Liv laughed, "you've been there a week and I'm only now finding out that Paris is your roommate?"

"I thought I'd told you!" Rory exclaimed.

"Well, no, you haven't," Liv said, "and mom hasn't either! I can't believe it!"

"I could've sworn I'd told you," Rory sighed.

"Nope. Anyway, are there any boys on the scene yet?" Liv asked.

"Apart from the guy I found naked in our corridor a few nights ago?"

Liv's eyes grew wide, "excuse me?"

"It was a party or something, and I found him naked outside my door," Rory explained, "he's nice, actually."

"What, naked?" Liv teased.

"Let's ignore the naked part."

"I don't think I can."

"But it's irrelevant."

"Well then, why mention it?"

"Because it's how we met."

"Not your typical meet-cute but it's unique, I'll give you that," Liv giggled, "anyway, get back to telling me about how nice naked guy is."

"His name's Marty so you can call him that instead of naked guy," Rory said.

"Okay okay, tell me about Marty," Liv rolled her eyes.

"He's just...nice, I don't know. I don't like him like that, before you start," Rory said quickly, "anyway, how's things over at Harvard?"

"It's nice, yeah. My roommate, Hayley, is so nice. She's exactly our kind of person. You'll have to come and meet her!" Liv smiled.

"That's great, Liv," she said, "are you going to grandma and grandpa's next Friday?" Rory asked, quite hesitantly.

"Yeah," Liv said, "I'm giving this week a miss, but I'll come next Friday and probably spend the weekend with mom and Jess."

"That sounds great. He's missing you, mom said he's moping around the diner all the time," Rory said.

"I miss him too," Liv sighed, "we talk every day, but it's not enough."

"You're used to seeing each other every day, it'll take time getting used to the distance," Rory told her, "I have to go, Paris is shouting at one of the other girls. I'll call you soon, okay?"

"Bye Ror. Tell Paris to pipe down, I can feel her negative energy all the way from here. Love you."

"Love you too, Liv," Rory laughed, hanging up.

Liv sighed and clicked on Jess' contact in her phone. It rang for a few times, but he didn't answer.

"This is Jess. You can leave a message but don't expect me to listen."

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