The Wreck

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"Damn it JJ, i'll go to the god damn Wreck. Will that make you happy?" I say.

"Yes, Alanna, look at yourself. Your face is pale, your eyes are dark, and honestly you look like you've lost 10 pounds since before all this happened." JJ says, "so yes, you are going to the god damn wreck, and letting people take care of you. You always save everyone else, it's about time we get to save you."

"I don't know about this JJ."

"You're going. I won't let anyone bring up anything that will make you upset. We will just eat, and go to the beach or something. I don't know." JJ puts his hands on my shoulders, "got it?"

"Yes, I can't believe you're making me do this." I say.

"Well you better start believing. Here." JJ says handing me a juul, "calm down."
I walk inside the wreck to see Pope and Kie staring at me with saddened eyes. Damn it here it goes.

"Hey." Kie says hugging me, "If you want you can shower at my place. You can eat first or whatever you wanna do."

"I don't care." I say, feeling JJ nudge me, "I guess I can shower first, everyone in here is already giving me crazy looks."

"I'll take you to the house. The boys can stay here. I'm sure JJ has annoyed you already today."

"okay." I laugh a little.

I get in the passenger seat of Kie's car, and she drives me up the road to her place.

"I don't think i've told you, but you have a nice house." I say.

"Thanks, it's definitely not amazing." She says, putting the car in park.

She walks by my side into the house, where her mom greets us at the door.

"Hey sweetheart, I put a towel and stuff in the bathroom for you to shower." She says, "And I got you some clothes. They're on Kiara's bed."

"Thank you so much, I appreciate it." I say.

Kie shows me the bathroom, and her room. Her house is big, and gorgeous. I would kill to have a place like this.

"I'm sure you're going to want something comfy, so here are some shorts and a t-shirt my mom picked out for you." She says, "If you need anything, you know where I am."

"Thanks love." I say, going on the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror. I look like I got hit by a bus, like 4 times, and was left in the ditch for days.

I lift up my shirt, looking at my scrape on my side. It's looking better, but it still hurts.

I start to get in the shower, looking at the dirty water below me. I feel disgusting.

I shampoo and condition my hair, washing off my body and face, starting to feel a little better.

I dry off, and wrap the towel around me, as I walk back over to the mirror. I look so much better, but my head doesn't feel any better.

I throw on the clothes Kie gave me and brush out my hair, watching it fall to my mid stomach.

God I have to go back to the Wreck. In front of all those people. I don't know if I can do this.

"Hey, are you ready to eat? I'm sure you're starving." Kie says, rubbing my back.

"Yeah, I guess so." I say.

as we drive back to the Wreck, I watch the trees pass in the window, trying to keep my head together.
As she pulls into the parking lot, I see JJ sitting at the doorstep, waiting for me.

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