Gown Shopping?

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I pull into Rafe's driveway, backing into the parking spot next to his bike.

I walk in the house and see Ward and Rose, sitting at the dining room table, talking.

"Hey hun! You look adorable today!" Rose says smiling.

"Thank you!" I say smiling, "I love your top!"

"Michael Koors!" She says, looking down at the white halter tank.

"I'm assuming you're looking for Rafe dear?" Ward asks.

"Yeah, he said he was working out with his friends." I say, politely as possible.

"If you walk outside to the left corner of the house, there's an outdoor gym. Believe me, you'll see it!" Ward says smiling.

"Thank you Mr. Cameron. You guys enjoy your day. It's beautiful out!" I say waving, walking out the back door.

I walk to my left and see the guys only a couple feet away. This is such a cool house. They have a whole strength training gym outside! This is literally the high school weight room.

"Awh shit Rafe, look at your girl man!" Kelce says, "She looks ready to outlift you!"

"I haven't lifted since softball season in April, so I definitely can't." I say laughing.

"You look hot though." Rafe says, kissing my forehead.

"You wanna bench?" Kelce asks, sitting up.

"You're gonna have to take some of those weights off there. How much is that?" I ask, eyeing the big weights.

"190." Kelce says, "You're a beast, you got it, try it!" He says.

"Okay, okay." I say, "I did lift almost 200 back in April so why not."

I lay down under the bar, as Rafe walks around to spot me. He winks at me, as I put my hands on the bar.

"I'll count you down," Rafe says, "One, two-"

I start to lift the bar on two, to get it over with. I pick it up slowly, but get a hang of it, doing 6 reps.

"Look at them biceps working, sheesh!" Rafe says, "We got a winner!"

"Alright i'm done, I haven't done it in a while and I don't wanna get sore." I laugh.

"You can come and workout whenever you want to, it's free. We even have a running trail if you're into that." Rafe says, helping me up.

"That's cool! I haven't ran since April either, whoops." I smile, "Matter of fact, i'm gonna get on that treadmill, unless one of you guys wants to?" I ask, taking my windbreaker off.

"Go ahead!" Kelce says.

I stand on the treadmill and turn the speed to medium jog. This thing is fancy!

Rafe starts playing rap music on the stereo, and turns it up. I can barely hear them, with the treadmill and the music blaring, but Topper looks like he mad about whatever he's saying. Probably over something stupid i'm sure. That's awful, but I genuinely just don't like him.


After about 15 minutes, Rafe puts the bar down, and turns the music off. I guess we're done, which is good, I need water like crazy. My thighs are burning from jogging...

"How much did you run?" Rafe asks, walking over as I turn off the treadmill, "1 and a half miles? No way, that's like a mile every 5 minutes!"

"My basketball coach used to make us run 2 miles in under 20 minutes every week, worst thing ever. Don't even get me started with softball, and base running sprints. Shin splints for days..." I say laughing, "I was called thunder thighs for a reason."

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