More Awaits

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JJ and I sip our beers, waiting to hear from John B, just having small convos here and there.

"So this Joey guy, he really hurt you huh?" He asks.

"Yeah, I was a wreck for a couple months." I say, thinking back to when I walked in on him and that girl.

"I don't understand, you're so nice, funny, and If you don't mind me saying, pretty."

"Thank you JJ, and I don't mind." I say "It just sucked, because we had been best friends for so long, and it just made me feel so insecure. Like I wasn't good enough for anyone. So I stopped trying for anyone. I would hook up with a few guys now and then, but I didn't want anything to do with them. It was just like a rebound in a way I guess."

"I get that." he says.

"Rafe feels different though, he treats me good, I just hope if I give him my whole heart he won't run away and break it. I don't think I could go through that, ever again." I say.

"I'm telling you right now, if he hurts you, there's four of us on your side, for life. We'll get our revenge, pouge style."

"At least I have you guys." I say smiling.

"Forever and always."

I start to hear footsteps approaching the back of the house, and I tense up. I swear if someone's trying to kill us again today...

"What?" JJ asks.

"Footsteps." I whisper.


JJ gets up and peeks around the corner and laughs.

"You got out of it bro?" He says.

"Yep, and I've got something I need to do." I see John B turn the corner.

"Hey bro!" I say.

"Hey, hows that ankle?" He asks.

"It's been better." I say.

"I'm gonna go clean up the house." He says, "Y'all wanna join?"

"Of course." I say, "I'll put some jams on."

I start to stand up, finding my balance, and limping kinda slow behind John B.

"Shit, this place looks like a tornado hit it." John B says.

"Yeah, we need to keep this place clean, I can't stand it." I say, "I'm sorry, it's just a thing with me."

"You're fine." John B says.

"Honestly if i'm gonna be living here, I'll clean and cook for y'all whenever you want me to, I'm technically living here rent free." I say.

"Well so am I." John B says, "but if you really want to i'm sure we won't mind."

"Yeah, i'm sure Lanna's a freaking chef, she seems like the type." JJ says.

"I did work at a restaurant for 2 years." I say, starting to slowly pick up pizza boxes and empty beer bottles.

I put on some country music and help John B and JJ pick up trash, and things those guys threw all over the ground earlier.

I fold up some blankets and put them neatly over the back of the couch, put coasters back on the coffee table, and dust in the living room, while I see John B carting out the bulletin board full of our family members. I'm not even going to ask.

I head into the kitchen and do some dishes, wipe down all the counter tops and stove. Now it's perfect.

"Do you want me to finish up for you? You look like you're limping a little more." JJ asks.

The One That Got AwayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz