The Truth Comes Out

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"I'll drop you off at home." Rafe says, "And pick you up tomorrow at 8 in the morning if that's alright?"

"Well I guess you get up early, I usually don't get up until like 12 or 1," I say laughing, "but getting up a few hours earlier never hurt anyone, right?"

"Nope, but if you want to sleep in that's okay."

"No it's fine, when you wake up at one, the day is already half way through, and we're supposed to spend the whole day together!" I say smiling, folding the blanket and putting it in Rafe's backpack.

"I'll see what everyone will be up to tomorrow, and then I can make plans for us." He says, hopping on his bike, as I sit behind him.

"That sounds great!" I say hugging onto him as he starts up the bike.

It's already dark out, and I'm actually kind of tired, It feels like today was the longest day i've been here. Probably because John B woke me up at 9 this morning, but it was very eventful to say the least.

But fun!

I feel Rafe going faster and faster on the bike, It honestly feels like we're flying, but there's no one else on the road at this time of night.

I feel his whole body move when he turns the bike sharply into the driveway.

"Sleep good tonight, I'll see you at 8!" Rafe says, stopping the bike.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I say as I pull him in for a little kiss.

"Hey one more thing," He says as I start to turn around and walk in, "It might be too early to say this, and hopefully you don't think i'm weird or moving things too fast, but...I love you."

"I love you too." I say after a few seconds.

I see this big glowing smile appear on Rafe's face as he starts the bike back up again.

I honestly think i've fell for the kook, and i'm not sorry about it either. He makes me happy, and Kie and Pope we're right. John B would want me to be happy, even if i'm with his rival. We've both got our problems, but I feel like we can both help each other with them.

I think I truly love him, already.

I watch him turn around quickly and ramp up his bike, popping a wheelie in the drive, I can't help but to giggle at him.

I walk inside and sit on the couch and just think about everything. I can't wait for tomorrow. He already wants me to meet his family and friends. He really is like a guy in a romantic movie.

I walk to the bedroom and throw his T-Shirt on I kept from the other night. It still smells just like him.
I throw my shorts and my tank top on the floor neatly in a pile and crawl under the covers.


I wake up to a loud bang, that sounds like it's coming from the back porch.

I immediately sit up in the bed and grab my phone.

I walk out of the room slowly, the house is so dark, and I can't see anything.

I open my phone and turn on the flashlight, and walk closer to the back door.

As soon as I go to open it, I just see JJ trying to help John B walk in the house.

"Can you help me with him, please?" JJ asks with beer on his breath.

"Uh yeah, sure, did he black out?"

"I guess you could call it that," He says.

I grab John B's arm and lay it across my shoulder, helping him walk towards his room. JJ and I lay him on the bed as best as we could and I cover him up with his cover.

"What do you mean by, 'you could call it that'" I ask JJ.

"Look at his eye."

I turn my phone on and put the screen close to his face and see he has a swollen black eye

"What happened to him? He looks so pale too, is he going to be okay?" I ask concerned.

"Your boyfriend's best friend tried to kill him, that's what happened."

"Who? How? Why?"

"Topper, the guy Sarah Cameron's dating, that your boyfriends always with, he tried to fucking drown him." He says, with his face turning red with anger.

"Oh my god." I say softly, touching John B's face.

"Yeah but I stopped it though." JJ says, holding up the gun he stole earlier.

"Why the hell would you do that JJ, that gun is stolen, y'all could get into some real shit!" I yell, in a whispered tone.

"He was going to kill him Alanna what was I supposed to do?"

"Knock him out, not pull a gun JJ." I whisper.

"Well if you weren't hanging with daddy's money, maybe you could've stopped me." He snaps.

"Dude, why are you so involved with me hanging out with Rafe? get over it. I don't understand. I'm happy with him."

"Yeah, until he either hurts you, or us, John B, or you just decide to go full kook on us."

"He wouldn't hurt me, or you, or John B, he knows how much you all mean to me."

"How do you know that?" He says.

"I don't, but look JJ for right now, i'm happy being with him. I'm sorry for some reason you can't seem to understand that, or accept i-"

Before I can say anything else, JJ grabs me by my waist, and looks me dead in the eyes, "I'll never accept it. I liked you first."

"JJ look, your drunk, and you look like you're about to pass out, okay..."

He leans in to try to kiss me, and I push him off of me. What the hell is wrong with him?

"JJ stop, I know your drunk, and upset, but you need to go home, and get some rest. And don't do that again, okay Rafe IS my boyfriend. I LOVE him. I can't do that to him."

"Whatever." JJ says, storming out of the house, slamming the back door.

I lean on the wall behind me and sit, and look at John B. I can't believe Rafe's little friend of his, or this rivalry. I don't want anyone to get hurt, especially my brother.

I gotta talk to Rafe about this.

I get back up and slightly kiss John B on his forehead and move his hair from his face. I hope he's doing better by morning.

I climb back into my bed, It's already 3AM. I have to be up in like 4 hours to get ready, but I don't even know if i'll fall asleep before then.

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