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As soon as I get back to John B's, I notice his vans there, but he's not.

The boats there too? Where is he?

Maybe he's just off thinking about today, or something.

I walk inside and grab a water, and sit on the couch, pulling out my phone, texting JJ.

ME: hey, are y'all going to that outdoor movie tonight?

JJ: Yeah, we were gonna walk there, but you can drive if you want. Bring some cash if you want for snacks or drinks at concessions. Bring your knife too, just in case.

ME: and JJ, why would I need my knife at a family friendly, outdoor movie, with KIDS?!

JJ: Protection, duh. I'll see you there.

Oh god, here we go again with this. Sometimes I just want to slap them all upside the head, but no, it's pouges vs. kooks. I'm never going to be able to change their minds.

I go in the bedroom, and take Rafe's shirt off, and put on a plain white tank top. I don't want to be sweating more than I have to.

I grab another water from the fridge, and grab my keys off the table, and head out.
I pull into the gravel parking lot, immediately seeing Rafe's bike, next to Top's and Kelce's.

I get out and lock my truck. I walk over to find everyone, but I only see JJ and Pope.

"Where's Kie?" I ask, approaching them.

"At concessions." JJ says pointing, "Now sit down, quick."

"What? Why?" I say as JJ grabs my hand for me to sit.

"It's gonna go down tonight." Pope says.

"Look, I know what happened okay, Rafe knows, he's not gonna hurt you, but Topper and Kelce, probably." I whisper, looking over to see Rafe talking to Kie.

"Oh shit." Pope says, "They're gonna kill us man."

"Not if we get them first." JJ says, pointing at his backpack.

"Are you fucking kidding JJ, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I almost yell.

"Shut up, no one knows I have it okay?" JJ whispers, "Great, he saw you.."

"Who? Rafe?" I say, looking over at him walking away from Kie.

"Here he comes.." Pope says, looking fearful.

"Hey gorgeous, you wanna come chill with me before the movie starts?" Rafe says, as I stand up.

"Sure, but i'm coming back here before the movie, I told them i'd watch it with them." I say.

"Of course, of course." Rafe says, grabbing my waist, pulling me super close to him.

"What was that for?" I say, looking in his eyes, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

He grabs my waist harder, kissing me out of no where.

"Uhm, okay." I say looking at Rafe, staring directly at JJ.

"Stop." I whisper to him.

"Lanna, you good?" Kie asks, looking at Rafe.

"Yeah, i'm fine, I'm gonna go with Rafe before the movie starts, then i'm gonna come back and sit with y'all." I say, as Rafe grabs my hand, tugging me away from them.

We walk to Kelce and Topper, standing in the back.

I turn around as soon as we get far enough away to where the group can't hear us.

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