First Time in Forever

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"What do you mean we'll talk later, I haven't seen dad in almost 13 years..." I say very confused, "John b he gone?"

"Lanna," my little brother says, placing his hand on my shoulder, I look in his deep brown sad eyes, "He's not gone, he's temporarily gone. On a mission, to find a ship- full of British gold. The Royal Merchant. The police say he's lost at sea, but that man knew how to handle himself. He's still out there- I know it. There's no body, so he's still out there."

"I believe you bro," I say, "I'm sure dad knew his way around the ocean, he's been here his whole life."

"Exactly." John B says, "I can't wait to see him again."

"Me too." I say

I want to believe my dads still alive, but 9 months- at sea, something's up. I don't want to say he's dead, but it's hard to think he's alive. I hope I get to see my father, he's such a big part of my trip here. He's my dad, that Peter could've never replaced.

"I don't know about y'all and what your plans are tonight," I say with a grin, "but I could use a 12 pack, a beach, and some country music? Y'all feeling that too?"

"John B, all i've gotta say is you're sister is fucking awesome," JJ laughs, "and...she's a blonde..."

"Shut up JJ that's my sister" John B says, jokingly punching JJ's arm.

I grab my keys to my truck and look at the guys, "Y'all wanna ride in my truck with the windows down? beers on me!"

"damn dude a truck, you're a fucking legend miss Alanna." JJ smiles.

"Why thank ya, I try to live up to the title."

"You think Kie could ride too?" John b asks me

"Of course! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine." I say smiling

I can't believe I made it, to see my brother, and his awesome welcoming friends. This is literally the life i dreamed of. I couldn't ask for more, even if I could. Obx truly is paradise on earth.

"Hey Kie, would you like to come with us? I can get you beer, or something else to drink if you like, it's on me" I ask her

"I never got to actually be introduced, what's your name?" Kie asks

"I'm Alanna, John B's long lost sister." I say with a small smile on my face

"No freaking way! You drove all the way here?" She asks.

"I had to. I wanted to see my brother and my dad, and tell them I never wanted to abandon them, ya know, that weighs on someone for years." I say

"I know you didn't mean to abandon me, you were 3 Alanna, you had no idea. I would never love you any less, and dad would feel the same exact way." John B speaks up.

"Thank you little bro, you honestly have no idea how much that means to me. Really. Thank you, and I love you too." I shut my eyes for a second. Just someone to tell me they love me, it's so weird, but good. I haven't heard that in such a long time. It's a relief, like I can breathe again. After so long of suffocating in pain and depression with mom and Peter, a never ending dark tunnel of no emotions,the feeling of belonging feels so good.

"I'm Kiara by the way, but the guys call me kie, which i'm sure they already have," Kie speaks up, "you can call me either. I'm so happy to meet you, and by the way, I've always loved your name. John B talks about you all of the time, and I've always thought it was beautiful."

"Thank you Kie, your name is pretty too girl!" I say happily, "Now that we're all acquainted, let's hit the road bitches!"

We all run together off of the back screen porch to my old 1998 sleek black chevy, all you can hear besides our heavy footsteps is JJ screaming,

The One That Got AwayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant