Right All Along

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I can't believe John B did it. He really did it.

Dad would be so proud of him. I know I'm proud. He's come such a long way, even from when I first got here.

I lie down on the bed, waiting for Rafe to get home. It's already like 2 AM, and he hasn't texted me. Maybe he decided to stay at Kelce's?

He worries me. Even though he said he'd call me if he got drunk, I feel like he would try to drive anyways. I don't want him to end up getting hurt just because he's stubborn.

I pick up my phone and call his number, hoping he answers.

It rings almost 5 times before he answers.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, now that i'm talking to you!" He says.

"Well, you could be even better if you come home to me." I say, smiling like he can see me through the phone.

"Oh yeah? Like a lot better?"

"Yeah. So much better." I say.

"Well I better get to going then." He says.

"Are you drunk? Do you need me to come grab you?" I ask.

"Nah, I'm gonna drive. I'm not that drunk." He says, "I can definitely drive."

"It's not a big deal if you can't." I say.

"Really, i'm okay Lanna." He says, "I'll be home ASAP, since it's going to be 'so much better'."

"Just be careful driving back." I say, "I love you."

"I will, and I love you too."

I'm so excited to see him. I've had such a good day, and I've missed him. He seems like he's in a good
mood too.

I go to the kitchen, grabbing a water, and sit on the couch, glancing at my phone. I look at all the pictures John B and I took together after he found the gold. He wanted one to give to dad, if and when he comes back. He said he'd love it, because then he'd finally have a picture of both of us, with our greatest accomplishment.

Regardless, i'm keeping it forever.

I finish up the water, throwing it in the trash can, walking back in the bedroom.

While waiting for Rafe to pull up, I look at my scrapes down my arms and on my legs through my jean rips. That was a good fall, but I'm used to it, i'm clumsy. That's exactly why I don't wear heels.

I hear his bike motor down the driveway come to a stop, so I walk back to the living room, waiting for him to walk in so I can just bear hug him.

"Hey babe!" He says, as I run up to him, wrapping
my legs around his waist, "Woah, what's the big hug about?"

"Just excited you're home I guess, really just excited in general." I say.

"I missed you too." He says, as I smell the alcohol on his breath, "So, you look, hot."

"Thanks." I say smiling, standing back on the floor.

"Why are you wearing those clothes though? Not that i'm complaining, you need to wear them jeans more often." He says, grabbing my waist.

"I went on an adventure." I say.

"Holy shit, you're all scraped and bruised up? and look at your hands! They're all red." He says.

"Yeah, I fell." I say laughing.

"Well, do you still wanna make my night better?" He says softly in my ear, kissing my neck.

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