The Best Days Begin With You

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I finally fall back to sleep around 4, I suppose. Only 3 hours until I have to get up...yay.


There's the alarm...shit.

I roll over on the bed and turn it off. 7AM, way too early. I feel like i'm going to school all over again...

I stand up, and start to hear a woman talking in the background, and it's not Kie.

"I heard there was a fight on the beach yesterday, and a gun was involved." The woman's voice says.

I walk slowly out of my room to see John B talking to a Sheriff.

"Okay. Gun? No. Did I get in a dustup? Yes, but was there a gun? No. No way." John B says.

"That's okay. I know who it was. I'll get to him," the sheriff says, "Who's the girl, you're little girlfriend or something?"

"Ew, no no, she's um, a, my sister." He says.

"Your sister huh? Okay, the one that's all the way out west. I'm sure of that." She says sarcastically, "anyways, All I'm worried about right now is makin' sure you're in a safe home."

I just stand in the doorway behind John B and wait for the lady to leave.

"Yeah, super safe. Super sound, sturdy. You know?Uncle T's coming, so..." John B says, looking out of the window.

"That what he told you?"


"If he is coming, I think you should be allowed to stay." Sheriff says, possibly wanting something back from John B.

"Thank you."

"But if I stick my neck out for you, you have to help me. Tit for tat."

"What... what does tat mean?" John questions.

"Let me see, how can you help me? Oh, I know. So, a body was found in the marsh yesterday. Were you in the marsh yesterday?" The lady asks, curiously.

"Yeah, we were fishin' for some drum."

"You catch anything?"

"Nah, we were skunked." John B says shortly.

"Strange. Fishing's usually good after a storm. All sorts of things get stirred up. You come across a wreck yesterday?" Sheriff says, in a stern tone.

"No." John B looks away.

"You skimmin' just above the surface, John B. Now, down here is foster care, juvie.Pretty big drop for a smart kid like you. Up here is you and your little friends doing whatever you want. Outer Banks... or foster care on the mainland. She threatens, "You're one inch above the surface, John B. If I was you, I'd start flappin' my wings. Now, you sure you didn't come across a wreck yesterday?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure." John B insists.

"It's better if you didn't, you understand? I'm gonna look the other way, as long as you stay out of the marsh," The sheriff says, walking out of the door, "I got dogs livin' better than this, John B. You might wanna think about cleanin' up."

As soon as the sheriff walks out of the house, John B throws an empty can at the wall, angry.

"I guess this isn't a good time to tell you, but Rafe wants to spend the day with me today, he's picking me up at 8."

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