All in the Back of a Truck

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I wake up, on a bed, feeling sick. Like bad...

I'm in my dad and brothers house.

Oh shit, I killed almost a whole 12 pack, I forgot...How did I get back to John B's house? Did I drive? Drunk?

I sit up and feel my stomach turn, It feels like my whole stomach just flopped over...worst. feeling. ever.

I check my phone on the nightstand, and I smile

Text from Rafe! :)

Good morning sunshine! ☀︎

Oh thats right, I have a date tonight!!! But not looking or feeling as hung over as I am right now...

I walk out of the room and walk down the hallway to John B's room and knock on his door

"Hey John B, can I come in?" I ask.

"Of course," he says opening the door, "I'm getting ready to go hang with the crew, you wanna go fishing with us?"

"That sounds awesome, but do you know how long you guys will be out? I actually have plans tonight." I hesitate to say "date". I just have a feeling John B might not like that, I don't know.

"I'm not sure, I'll try to have you back here by the time you need to leave," he looks at me funny, "Did you already find yourself a few friends down here you wanted to hang with?"

"Actually yeah, yesterday I ran into these guys on the bridge, and I asked them how to get to you." I say.

"What's their names?" John B asks sternly.

"I just talked to one, his name was Rafe, he actually uh...asked me out. I told him I might be able to go out tonight."

"Oh, Rafe Cameron. He's one of the big kooks, on the rich side of the island..." my brother replies.

"So what does a kook mean exactly John B?" I say. What's up with all of these names of people? Pouges, kooks? What do they even mean? I have so many questions.

"Well myself, JJ, Pope, who you haven't met yet, Kie, and some others identify as pouges, the working class, 9-5 minimum wage working people. Kooks are mostly rich and spoiled brats, who think that we're trailer park trash, it's like a rivalry I guess. We've just never naturally got along with Kooks." John explains.

"ahh I see," I say with a sideways look, "sorry i'm just trying to understand the ways around here. It's the same kind of thing in Colorado, it's either druggies or hillbillies over there."

"That honestly sounds rough." John B says giggling.

"Honestly." I say back.

"All I've gotta say about Kooks, just be careful. They know you're a pouge, just watch out for yourself, and have fun. If he doesn't treat you right, make sure you let me know."

"I will, and John B, thank you for actually taking me back in after all this time. It means a lot. I hated Colorado and mom just totally changed after she left dad. I want to make up all that lost time we should've had together." I say, almost crying, but I stop myself. Too soon to cry infront of everyone.

"I've already told you before, I could never love you any less, your my sister, my family. We'll make up that time for sure. We've got all summer to have a blasted time. Now get ready for your date, I'll tell everyone you're still hung over- which isn't exactly a lie." John b says laughing at me.

"Yeah you're not wrong." I laugh with him, "Tell them i'll see them all tomorrow!"

"Of course Lanna, now go make yourself  look like you didn't drink a 12 pack of bud last night."

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