I Swear...

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I grab all my things and head back to my truck, throwing everything in the passenger seat next to me, cranking up the truck, blasting the A/C.

I put my phone in my lap as I facetime Rafe, waiting for him to answer the call.

"Hey babe." He says, "Holy shit you got so tan today!"

I raise my eyebrow at him, waiting for him to look back at me.

"Shit, you're mad. You know." He says rolling his eyes.

"Where are you, right now." I demand.

"Getting ready to leave the course." He says, "Why."

"I'm coming to pick you up, stay there." I say.

"okay i'll see-" He says, as I hang up the call, throwing my phone in the seat next to me.

I take off quick and head straight to figure 8.

I pull into the parking lot, seeing Rafe sitting on his bike, waiting.

I pull up next to him and roll down the truck window, "get in."

"You really should slow down killer, you could get hurt." He says.

"Not now. Just get in the damn truck Rafe." I say as he walks to the passenger door.

I roll up my window when he gets in, and wait for him to explain himself.

"Look babe, I was just mad and upset earlier, I had a bad day, okay. I get up in my head and make these scenarios when you're not with me. I can't control my temper, he was just an easy target-"

"Excuse me? An easy target? My friend, one of the sweetest people I know, that has their shit together? All because you were mad at me for something I didn't even do? I wasn't even with JJ. I was at the beach, by myself, getting drunk and tanning. Alone. I told you last time if you need a target, choose me. Not my brother, and not my friends." I say leaning back in my seat, shutting my eyes.

"I'm sorry. They put a gun to my friends head. I just don't like pouges."

"Well you sure seem to like me." I say, shaking my head.

"You're my girlfriend, it's different." He says, "And I would never hurt you."

"Well doing that shit, hurting my friends? That hurts me. They're my friends, you're my boyfriend. I can't choose sides. I love you and I love my brother. I love all of them, okay, they're my family now." I say, with anger in my voice.

"I'm sorry." He says, almost choking up.

"Don't get emotional on me now." I say, pushing his arm.

"No I hurt you, i'm a horrible person, I hate myself. You hate me, you probably want to leave now. All because I can't control my temper, and I thought you were with JJ." He says, putting his face in his hand, holding everything back.

"Come here babe." I climb over the console and sit on his lap, hugging him tightly, as he puts his head on my shoulder, "I'm not cheating on you. I wouldn't dream of it. Just, don't do that again, okay. If it happens again, I really will leave you. I can't do this shit every week. What my friends do, that's on them, what your friends do, I can't do anything about, but don't hurt my friends. You personally. Okay? My friends hate you now."

"What else is new." He says, looking in my eyes.

"Just, don't hurt them again." I say, "Then were cool."

"I won't. I don't wanna lose you." He says, hugging me tighter. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say.

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