But then his lips left mine again and moved towards my ear, his nose brushing my skin. I was breathing heavily as he whispered very quietly "You were teasing me tonight weren't you." he growled, slight yearning heard in his rasp voice.

My eyes shut I shook my head, but as his hands groped my ass a small whimper left my lips. Fuck.

"Don't lie to me." He said, tone a bit more demanding, "I know what you were doing. It angered me  y'know"

A quick sigh left me, "Sorry." My head leaned back, waiting for his lips to caress mine again. I awaited his touch, needing it. It was just like last time, it was addicting.

He chuckled deeply, whispering, "It's okay darling." his hands moved back up until they removed mine from around his neck. I looked at him, wondering if he had had enough, and felt our time was done. It hurt a little, not gonna lie. But, he lifted me effortlessly, making me yelp softly, and then carried me in both arms like I was his bride. My eyes gleamed into his, trying to figure out what he was doing.

Smiling down at me, he began to walk through the water. I stared at him cluelessly until I comprehended he was carrying me to the waterfall. He set me down when we were standing right in front of it. Then he put his hands on my shoulders and slowly moved me under the water. My hair got soaked as my eyes squeezed shut, protecting my eyes from the water. When I felt myself move past it I knew I had walked right through it and I slowly peeked my eyes open, seeing Colby right in front of me, hair now damped like mine. Though he slicked his back while mine stayed flattened to the side of my face.

He kept staring at me with that annoying little grin of his, knowing that he was annoying me by making me wait for him. What a fucking beautiful prick he was.

"Are you teasing me right now?" I dare ask, tilting my head.

His grin got wider until he let out a soft laugh, eyes guiding down to the water until moving back up and once again meeting mine. He moved his hand towards my cheek and tucked my wet hair behind my ear, moving in closer.

"I said it was okay that you teased me earlier." He whispered, hands grabbing mine and holding them tight, "But I lied." He lifted them above my head and pinned them on the hard rock,  growling "Keep them there." in my ear, and I complied without a second thought.

His lips came in contact with my neck and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips the second they did. With his hands exploring my wet body and me not allowed to move my hands, that immobility made him even more alluring. More desirable. 

My breath hot and heavy, I was left unable to do anything as he placed rough kisses all around my neck and chest. He sucked and nibbled at my skin, only making me whine and groan more in pleasure. He was making me feel so good unlike I've ever experienced. I was infuriating I couldn't act on my desires but that made it even better. That feeling of being dominated as I had felt the first time we kissed was still fresh in my brain and this just brought it out even more.

And fuck was I loving it.

"Mmm." I hum, his hands squeezing my ass but his lips sucking my skin. My head leaned back as I allowed him to move closer to my collarbone. My back arched, letting him do what he wanted with me. He then took control again and brought my hands around his neck, lifting me and letting my legs cling to him but keeping my back press against the hard rock wall.

He held my hair behind my head, tugging it as he continued to suck my bare skin. It was crazy how I was unable to keep my moans of pleasure in, and I knew he was loving it. I could tell by the way his lips were smiling while continuing to stay in contact with my skin.

"Are you enjoying this Livia?" He asked me.

I only nod, but he didn't seem to like that answer because he tugged a bit harder on my hair, making me wince but love it all the same as my head leaned back at the force.

"Words." He demanded.

I quickly obliged to his demands, caving his lips on me again. "Y-yes," I stutter, "I am."

He was pleased my that, so he continued.

"Am I making you feel good?" He dragged his finger across my cheek and placed it right on my lip, dragging it right under and peeling my lips down a bit.

I let my head fall and look into his eyes, "So good." I breathe.

Our lips reconnected and this time he let me tug on his wet hair while his hands traced all over my body. Our tongues fought with eachother, our lips moving in sync. It's like they were trying to get the most attention but in the end, it was just messy and sloppy. But it was meant to be that way. The kiss was passionate and full of lust. Hell, his eyes were full of so much lust and I had no doubt in my mind that mine were too.

We both wanted this. He just realized that sooner than I did.

And now I no longer regret wearing that red bathing suit...

It lead to something so unbelievably crazy and amazing.

I let my mind wander back to the makeout and then felt water tricking over our heads again, realizing we were under the waterfall. I smiled through the kiss and moved my hair behind my ears. When we were clear of the hard pressure of the falling water, I felt the kiss ease up a bit and now our lips ran smoother than before.

I knew it was coming to an end and that thought saddened me, but, it was expected. The best things always come to an end.

We made it back to where we had first entered the water and his lips moved away from mine first. Immediately I missed them.

My eyes softened and I felt my body calm down from all the adrenaline. Now, we were left in silence and looking into each other's eyes. His hand carefully sat on my cheek and I nuzzled into it, eyes shutting momentarily until I opened them again. My heart now slowing down.

He smiled, "I hope this was a memorable first-time skinny dipping." he said, and I smiled.

"It was," I whispered back.

He placed one last kiss on my lips before releasing me and letting my feet drop to the ground. His hands left my skin and he walked past me, dipping under the water and returning to the surface carrying both mine and his bathing suits. He walked past me, dropping my red two-piece in my hands, and then prepared himself to get back onto the hard ground.

I averted my eyes, not wanting to stare at his bare ass, and only looked back when I was sure he had a towel covering himself. He looked down at me with a smile on his face.

"We do all that and you're scared to see my ass?" he teased, "How cute."

I narrowed my eyes and walked to the edge, not hesitating to hoist myself up and stand completely naked in front of him. He looked me up and down, a seductive grin on his face but also surprised eyes. I approached him and took the towel from his hands, flipping it over my shoulder and patting his chest. "You wouldn't have done what you just did to me if I was just cute." I smirk, "And let's be honest, I wouldn't have allowed it if you were just cute as well. Be happy."

I turn my head but was pulled back closer to him by the waist. He put his lips to my ear, saying very softly but full of so much passion, "I am happy." He breathed down my neck, "And I always get the last word."

I could hear the smirk in his words as he released me and walked back towards the house, leaving me there speechless and completely in my head.

What the fuck just happened.

I'll tell you what.

I just made out with Colby Brock, naked in a pool by ourselves.

And I absolutely fucking loved it.





Insert butterflies: 🦋🦋🦋

Who knew I could pull off an entire chapter of just making out🥰 someone hand me my award😚

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