The End Part 1

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I thought Olivia could fill the hole that I've dug up in my chest. That graveyard-like feeling only became bigger and I was left foggy and confused. It didn't make any sense. I have Olivia. I have a job that I love. I have peers around me who are kind enough to give me support.

Why do I feel so alone?

It was hard to admit that I wanted Olivia to be someone else. It hurts to think about it, because I knew who that person was. It wasn't fair for Olivia because she's putting so much effort in to our relationship to grow. I realized then that there was no room for it to bloom because in my head I dreamed about a relationship that I know wouldn't even be possible anymore.

I dreamed about Dani Dubois, and I woke up in Olivia's arms.

That was when I started to feel like I wasn't the greatest person to be around.

Everything annoyed me, I had a short temper, and I was angry all the time. My work ethic became chaotic, and even the littlest things like how Parker leaves utensils in the sink without washing them. We got into a yelling match which turned into insults, which turned into targeted barks of mean things to hurt each other. He crossed the line by saying that I was obssessed with Dani, and I crossed out the line for saying that Parker didn't mean anything to me and that he should just die.

That was when Olivia had to throw a pitcher of water to our faces.

"You two need a time out!" She said while standing in between me and her brother. I felt so bad, and immature that I decided to stay silent before I say something stupid.

The water dripped down from my body and I was suddenly very cold. Parker seems to forget every hurtful thing that I said and covered me with a towel.

"Deja vu." I murmurred. There were more water droplets running down my face but this time they were warm. I was crying and I didn't even know it.

"Maverick..." Olivia said softly as she carefully approached me and tried to wipe the tears from my face. I stopped her by grabbing her wrists gently and felt my mouth open to say what I truly felt about her, but I stopped.

I'm tired of hurting people.

Without saying anything, I simply walked away and went straight to my room. Olivia came in to check on me a few minutes afterwards while I had the blankets around me like I was hiding.

She knew what I was thinking about, and she knew about Dani. She reassured me that I shouldn't feel the need to force our relationship to work. Olivia liked and understood me. She loved me enough to consider me as her close friend.

It was as if a heavy weight was lifted off of my shoulders and now I can breathe again. I didn't know how many times I apologized to Olivia for leading her on, but she brushed it off by saying,

"It's not meant to be so why should I worry about it?"

I told her that she'll find someone way better than me which earned me an eye roll from her.

"Oh please. Don't start setting me up with people." She said jokingly and smiled at me.

I leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, Olivia."


"You sulk a lot, and it's getting pretty annoying." Olivia said as she sat down beside me on the living room couch one day. We all had the day off and we decided to just stay in and maybe watch a movie. Parker was beside her too, and nodded his head.

"I think it has something to do with her ex-girlfriend." He said, while munching on a piece of chip.

"Which one? Me, or she who should not be named?" Olivia joked.

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