The End Part 3

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Again, WARNING! This chapter contains en excessive amount of mush and other cute things. Viewer discretion is advised.


It was way too hot in the bathroom, and I was sweating profusely that I had to take off my hoodie. I was pretty flustered and was biting my lip the whole time I watched Dani get dress. Her expressions from earlier replayed in my head over and over again that I almost started again. With a sigh, I forced my hands in my back pockets and stayed still.

"I'll go out first." Dani said and reached for the door. I nodded my head at her and noticed a faint love mark on her chest just on top of her shirt.

"Um." I said sheepishly and pointed at her chest.

Dani wondered where I was looking at, stared at herself in the mirror and immediately zipped up her bomber jacket.

"Oh my god." She said sounding flustered. I laughed lightly.

"Still think I don't have it in me?" I asked playfully, and trying to lighten her up.

Dani shook her head in disbelief, and tapped he visor of my hat with her hand. She didn't comment on it and only said,

"I'll see you in a bit."

When Dani left, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my face is still red. A chuckle left my lips and I can't help but grin. It was completely unexpected that Dani and I did it in this bathroom. The images of earlier was starting to replay again and I immediately tried to splash my face with cold water to cool myself down.

Be cool Maverick. Be cool.

After a few minutes, I finally exited the bathroom and made my way to our seats. Dani had her laptop open, and was working on a design. I sat down beside her and she gave me a smile in greeting but didn't say anything.

There was an editing software on her screen, her right hand holding a stylus on top of a wireless pad that she was drawing on. I watched her silently work for a while, feeling engrossed on how effortlessly clean her strokes were.

The silence wasn't uncomfortable but rather relaxing. I don't even know what to say to her right now, and I'm sure Dani felt the same way.

The screen in front of me stole my attention and it looked like we're about to land in an hour. I rested my head on the head rest and continued to watch Dani's work feeling tired all of a sudden.

I could feel myself drift off to sleep.


Dani woke me up with her hand shaking my shoulders lightly. I opened my eyes, and squinted at the lights in the plane that turned on. She said that we were going to land in a few minutes, and she was looking anxious.

"Need to hold my hand?" I asked nonchalantly when the plane tilted downwards. I placed my hand palm up on the arm rest and she took it without saying anything.

Of course I grinned.

"You are so smug." She muttered, and gripped my hand tightly. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to gloat.

We were silent again for a while, and I wondered what she was thinking because we haven't been talking since we...

"Do you think we're rushing into this?" She asked while leaning back into her seat as the plane's wheels touched the ground. The plane shook slightly.

"I don't think so." I answered truthfully.

The plane successfully landed, and so Dani took her hand away. She didn't say anything more and started to gather her things. Frowning, I can't help but feel some sort of awkwardness from her. It wasn't there before, but now it's really noticeable.

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