What I Was Thinking About

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Chapter Thirty-Two:
What I Was Thinking About

"They left." I said, "They left me all alone."

"This is going to be so much fun!" Natasha exclaimed. She was jumping up and down, while waving goodbye at my parent's vehicle as they drove away.

"How can they put so much trust on me like that all of a sudden? Oh my god, what if something bad-"

"We gotta call the whole squad right away." Natasha ignored my rants and pulled out her phone to send text messages to our friends.

"This is insane." I complained, my eyes following my parents' vehicle until they turned a corner, and was out of sight. "I will die."

"No, Mave." Nat threw an arm around my shoulder and grinned at me. She had this mischievous look on her face, and I am beyond terrified. "We're going to get lit!"

I stared at the excitement on her face, and for a second, I realized that I didn't want a party. It was too risky. My mind revolves around what if's, and I was too worried that our property would be damaged, and I would be grounded for life.

Natasha could read my mind through my expression, and she held my face in between her hands.

"Listen." She said. "You gotta live a little. Dennis and Thomas are on their way here-"

"Hold on just a second!" I cut her off, narrowing my eyes. "You didn't tell me that the party was happening tonight!"

"It's not. It is. Maybe... Well, kind of." Nat blabbered on, and laughed at my horrified face. "I just want the whole squad to be here, so we could convince you to throw a party."

"Do I have a choice though?" I asked, frowning at her. "You've already organized everything- Don't give me that look, I know everything is all planned, and all you need is my permission to use our house, which by the way, my parents already approved of..." I gave out a deep sigh.

"I'll shovel the snow out, if that helps?" She suggested, and gestured her hands on the ground. I thought about it. A foot deep of snow was covering our whole driveway, and sidewalk. I woke up early to see my parents go, and to actually shovel. So, Natasha saying that she'll do it herself made me consider my options.

I mean, the party's still gonna happen whether she shovels or not. So why not let her suffer through the cold?

"I'll go get the shovel." I announced.

"I was only kidding... But okay." She said, chuckling at me. "Are you going to help me?"

"No." I replied.


I flipped her off in return, then went to our garage to get the shovel.

When I returned to, Dennis's car drove in my driveway, and loud music was blasting from it. Thomas was sitting on the front seat with him, while I noticed that Dani and Margo was sitting at the back.

I suddenly felt self-conscious because I was wearing my fur-lined, winter jacket over my pink pyjamas. My hair was a mess, and I immediately covered them with my hood. I waved a hand at them, and hid a little behind Natasha, who seemed to be making fun of me. I didn't know that they were going to come over so soon, and I mentally cursed Nat.

"Alright, alright, where's the party at?" Asked Dennis, when he approached us, a wide grin on his face.

"Is it cool if I invite people?" Asked Thomas.

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