Marco & Margo

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Chapter Forty:
Marco & Margo

"My hand smells funny." I said, sniffing them and frowning.

"Do they smell like tacos?" Dani asked, munching on her salad.

"No they smell like garli-" I narrowed my eyes and stared at Dani in amusement. "Did you really just made that joke?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Too soon?" Dani asked, and chuckling softly. "Am I pushing your buttons?"

The way she raised an eyebrow, as if challenging me was kind of an adorable look on her.

"Just... Shut up." I murmured under my breath and felt my face warm up.

We're in my dining room, marinating chicken earlier to prep for supper.

Dani reached from across the table and placed her hand on top of mine. I didn't expect it. I recoiled and pulled back, and watched in horror at the look on Dani's face. Oh my god, what is wrong with me?

"I'm sorry." I quickly said, my hands now on my lap, intertwining them together as if I didn't know what to do with them. "I'm sorry I just..."

"I don't bite, Mave." She said, with her smile so warm, it's melting my heart.

"That's not it at all!" I exclaimed. "I'm still-"

"I get it Maverick." Dani interrupted, chuckling. "I understand."

I sighed, and cursed mentally. I wish that I could explain what exactly I was feeling. But I couldn't, so I kept my mouth shut. I admire Dani's patience with me. I feel horrible not telling everyone about our relationship, and it's starting to feel like I'm keeping her a secret.

At one point, Dani wanted to hold my hand when we walked to our cars together in the parking lot two days ago after basketball practice. But I brushed her hand off when some of our teammates ran into us and said their goodbyes.

I felt like a total asshole that day.

"So Dennis is planning a Secret Santa draw this afternoon. He just texted me." She said after a while.

"Oh." I said, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. "I hate presents."

"What? No one hates presents." She argued.

"I do. I hate them, and I hate giving them."

"Okay." Dani said slowly. "Who hurt you? You poor thing."

"I'm not very good at it." I replied.

"At what?"

"I give horrible presents, and when I get a good one from someone, I feel bad that I gave them a shitty present."

"Did you intend to give a shitty present?"


"Then it's alright." She said.

"No it's not. Natasha hated me for a month because I gave her fuzzy socks last year."

"Fuzzy socks are good!" Dani exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know! But I kind of forgot that I gave her fuzzy socks the year before." I said, cringing.

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