I Believe In Teachings

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Chapter Fourteen:
I Believe In Teachings

Dani and I walked down the hallways, talking about how unfair that women had to give birth. I don't remember how we started the conversation exactly, but it's more likely that I started it with my weird brain. Anyways, Dani didn't seem to mind it one bit. I think it's pretty cool that she didn't get weirded out by me.

We went to her locker first, to get her jacket. Then we made our way towards mine.

"What if I want kids, but I don't want to push them out of my body through my vagina?" I explained, holding my stomach. "Why can't babies just appear out of nowhere, and then poof! Surprise! The baby looks just like me! I think I'd rather have that."

"You're silly." Said Dani, who was shaking her head and laughing at my comment. But I looked at Dani sternly, and said,

"Why can't guys give birth instead?" Dani burst out laughing. "I'm serious! I do not want to suffer through the pain, and all the sagging-of-the-boobs process."

"Oh god." Dani said, scrunching up her nose disgustedly. She turned her head to me, and raised an eyebrow. "Since we're talking about this, I want to know what your opinion about that, religiously." Dani said out of nowhere, as we neared my locker.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion, smiling. "I thought you're not interested in that matter?" My smile slowly turned into a smirk, because Dani looked a bit taken aback.

"I'm not." She said. "I just remembered something from the bible-"

"You read the bible?" I asked, snickering. "Do you pray every night now too?"

"Shut up, and listen." Dani rolled her eyes. "Do you remember that part when Adam and Eve were being punished by God? Because Eve listened to the snake, and ate the apple first, God said, and I quote, I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

Dani and I stared at each other. I gave her a small smile.

"Yes." I said, "I remember that part. I think it sucks, and very sexist. It's also the Old Testament, and I'm more of a New Testament girl." I shrugged my shoulders and we finally reached my locker. I quickly placed my combination, opened it, and granola bar wrappers flew out. I ignored the trash and threw my binder in.

"Wow, your locker is disgusting." Commented Dani, and I chuckled.

"Thanks, it's Nat's fault." I put on my jacket. "But yeah, like I said, I'm more of a New Testament girl. Because ya know, Jesus."

Dani looked confused.

"Aren't you supposed to defend God?" She asked, leaning on a locker and her arms crossed as she stared at me.

"In Adam and Eves situation?" I asked while putting on mittens. Dani nodded, but I shook my head at her. "You see, I believe in God, but that doesn't mean that I agree with him on everything."

Dani still looked confused.

"Dani, I have my own beliefs. God was crazy in The Old Testament. In my opinion, I think it entertained him to kill people." I explained.


"Yeah." I said, nodding my head and putting on my toque. "There's this guy named, Eliseus and a bunch of kids made fun of him because he was bald. So, he got pissed and cursed the children to God. You know what God did?"

"He killed Eliseus?" Dani guessed.

"Nope. God sent two bears to savagely maul forty-two children to death." I answered, and literally snickered at Dani's appalled face.

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