The End Part 2

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Warning! This chapter contains sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised.



I looked out the plane window and stared at complete darkness outside feeling anxious and nervous. We had a turbulence earlier but it subsided before I could panic. I was thankful that the seat beside me was empty so I wasn't forced to make small talk to fellow passengers.

I couldn't stop thinking about her, and it's making me feel insane. Why couldn't Dani just call and tell me that she wanted me home to celebrate her birthday with everyone? I suppose it would be weird asking your ex that without knowing if you are in good terms or not.

The sound of a cart rattling stole my attention and the flight attendant asked if I wanted any snacks.

"Do you have any Goldfish Crackers?" I asked. Turns out they do, and I couldn't be more happier. "Thank you." I said with a bright smile and they scurried away with their cart.

My flight has one stop in Toronto, and then to Saskatoon. Saskatoon is about an hour away from Prince Albein, so overall my estimated time of traveling would be about eight hours. I didn't mind, it gave me time to reflect on what I should say to Dani.

Natasha and Dennis promised that they'll pick me up at the Saskatoon Airport when I get there, and I couldn't be more grateful. My parents offered to pick me up, but I didn't want to make them drive all the way there. Dennis, Natasha, and I decided that we could carpool on the way to Prince Albein which made me smile at the thought. It reminded me of when we were in high school when everything was much simpler and I wasn't overthinking all the time. But it also reminded me that I didn't like my high school self because I was very immature and cared too much about what other people think.

Sighing, I tried to keep my mind elsewhere and decided that I should watch a movie to pass the time. I didn't realize how tired I was until I woke up mid-way through the movie, and was drooling on my travel pillow. The ding of the captain's intercom fully woken me up.

"This is your Captain speaking, we will arrive in Toronto approximately an hour from now. The time is..." The Captain continued on while I blinked away the sleepiness from my eyes and gave out a long yawn.

I took this time to get up from my seat to stretch my legs, and go to the bathroom to freshen up. The flight attendant gave me a disposable toothbrush and a tiny pack of toothpaste that goes with it earlier and so I used that and tried to wash my face with water. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I cringed from the forming bags under my eyes. My dark hair is all over the place making me look like a mad scientist.

"I look like shit." I whispered to myself while trying to tie it up the bird's nest into a ponytail and putting on my baby blue UNC hat.

When I got out of the bathroom, a flight attendant reminded me that at this time we have to remain seated until we land. I nodded my head and dodged past an older woman who was demanding a glass of champagne.

I sat back down and tried to look at the options for movies again on the tablet that they lend us. After continuously browsing for who knows how long, I got bored and gave up. I wish I could use my phone to see what Dani is doing lately. Yesterday I found out that she was in New York and working on a project for a fashion company. There was a photo of her in her socials with other designers while they were in a studio busy setting up their clothing. It took guts for me to like that photo and I had thrown my phone in panic while doing so the other day.

If I'm like this without even facing her then how would I react when I'm finally in front of her? Sighing, I rested my head on the window and stared outside seeing Toronto lights lighting up the night.

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