Another Bad Idea

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I was already staring at my ceiling, thinking about Dani when my alarm went off playing Kill The Director. I felt giddy, and nervous at the same time thinking about seeing her at school today. I have fucking butterflies in my stomach, and I can't help but enjoy this feeling for a few seconds before getting up.

Cranking the music up, I looked at my closet and thought about what to wear. I bit my lip while deciding and realized that I wanted to look cute today. Thinking back, I wouldn't have dared wanting to look a certain way for someone to get their undefining attention. But now here I am, acting like one of those girls in a romantic movie. I finally get what the fuss was all about.

I settled with one of my favourite oversized sweaters which was the maroon-coloured one with faint red orange geometrical patterns. Then, I layed out a pair of black high-waisted jeans, and a black belt with a rose gold buckle on my bed. Running my hands through my dark hair, I wondered if I should wear jewelry too. Will wearing earrings look like I was trying too hard?

I huffed, and decided that I was going to wear my cute little gold elephant earrings because why the hell not? Maybe I should tie my hair up too and wear contacts. Then I remembered back to when Dani not recognizing me during our first tryouts together and thought about her flirting with me back then.

I grinned because I know that if I flirted back now, she would be all flustered and red. Oh man, I cannot wait to mess with her. With a satisfied nod about my outfit choice, I quickly grabbed my towel and went to take a shower.

After my shower, I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. The goofy smile on my face made me chuckle a little as I tuck my sweater in my jeans before putting on my belt. With socks in, and earrings in place, I let my hair down to air dry and quickly went downstairs to get my breakfast ready.

Mom and Dad were already up having coffee themselves and shared a knowing look at each other when they saw me enter.

"What?" I asked, and I could feel the stupid smile was still on my face.

"Oh, nothing dear. You look lovely." Dad said, sipping on his mug and again sharing a look with mom.

"Oh stop it dad, I already know mom told you."

"Told me what?"

"That I, kissed someone last night." I said, not feeling nervous one bit anymore. I have no idea where I got this newfound confidence. Back then I would've been so anxious talking about this. But then I witnessed mom's supportive reaction last night, which then made me feel safe and accepted. There was no use in hiding anymore. "I kissed Dani, last night."

"Oh wow." My dad said, now laughing. "I can't believe it was that easy for you to tell me."

"I know right?" I replied, feeling bewildered myself. "I sort of feel like... A new woman."

"Do you want to talk about it more?" Dad asked.

"Talk about my kissing experience with you guys? Um, nope." I said now pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

"Just know that your dad and I love you." Mom said, staring at me lovingly.

I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded. I'm not used to this kind of attention from them, but I really liked how they're making an effort on reaching out. They didn't say anything more about the subject and I felt relief come over me. Maybe this is what I needed all along. I should have approached them about this sooner.

"I like your outfit's colour scheme. The earrings gives a nice touch." My mom, winking at me as if she knows what my intentions are for today.

Blushing at this point, I munched on my cereal and tried to ignore her. It seems as though both of my parents are loving every single moment of this because they both laughed.

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