Everything is All Over the Place

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Chapter Twenty Three:
Everything is All Over the Place

I was awake, but I didn't move. I was too comfortable to move. Without opening my eyes, I knew that my head was resting on Dani's shoulders, and that I was hugging her side. I mentally argued with myself thinking that this might be weird. Maybe it is, because she's gay and she might think it's innapropriate to be in the same bed as me. Or, maybe not, and I'm just self conscious. Or, I'm just being paranoid because I'm confused as to why I'm liking Dani's closeness, and wouldn't do anything to reject it.

I knew then that I was over thinking stuff that shouldn't matter. Dani is my friend, and this shouldn't be a big deal. I didn't want to decide, so I stayed where I was.

Dani sharing her story as to why she moved here in Prince Albein makes me feel very concerned about her past. She's a broken person, trying to fix herself together, and I can't help but admire that. She opened up to me, at least just tonight. But that's what friends do right? Talk to each other, being kind to one another, so that means that we're friends.

Yeah. We are. We are friends.

But somewhere deep inside me, feel like that isn't enough.

"Are you awake?" Dani murmurred, shifting away slightly.

I have to admit, I panicked a little. But then again, I shrugged off the feeling, and didn't respond. She moved away completely, and I frowned, pulling on to her closer so she won't go away.

"I'm not awake, so stay where you are." I mumbled, complaining. "I was comfortable, so please stop. You're annoying me." I knew I was being a total grouch, but seriously... At least I'm descretely admitting that I was comfortable snuggled up against her.

I heard Dani chuckle, but she moved anyways.

"I have to pee." She said, giving out a light laugh.

I groaned.

"I'm more important." I argued, curling into a fetal position from where Dani was laying, her warmth lingering.

"No, my bladder is." She responded, and quickly went to my washroom.

Well then.

I sighed, and closed my eyes again to sleep. I've realized that I haven't had enough sleep due to my frightening nightmares. But now that I'm getting the rest that I deserve, my body is starting to crave it, and now I'm on a cannot-function-properly mode.

"Hey Dani?" I called, and gripping the sheets, hesitating.

"Yeah?" Dani called back, opening the bathroom door and smiling at me.

I frowned as I saw that the clock says it was midnight, and that would mean that she has to go home.

"Wouldn't your grandparents worry by now that you're not home yet?" I asked.

"I called them earlier to let them know that I'm sleeping over." Dani said, grinning. "If that's okay with you?"

I smiled, nodded my head.

"Come to bed." I said, still laying down and closing my eyes. "Be my pillow again."

Dani scoffed, and looked at me oddly.

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