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Lief's P.O.V.
By the time I was born, Deltora had already been plunged into time of poverty and despair. The years of peace and prosperity, prior to the rule of the Shadow Lord were just a distance mermory in my father's eye. As cruel as those days were and how indestructable the Shadow Lord seemed to everyone, there was some of those spirits that could not be broken, whose refused to give up hope. My father- the king- was one of these people. His dream was to find the seven gems, and to see the belt of Deltora restored, and the seven tribes reunited behind it. It was fate that gave me the honour of fulfilling my father's quest and with Barda, I set out determined to suceed. Not long after, we ran into Jasmine which is a good thing because without her we wouldn't of have made it without her. We met May by accident, but it couldn't have been by coincidence that we later found out she was the heir. I mean, who would have known?
None of us had any idea of what laid ahead. We were far from home and the odds were against us very step of the way. But one by one we collected the gems, and little by little we did undid the Shadow Lord's work. We met with allies such as Nebe and her friends, who met with during our quest, her intentions still unknown. Not to mention Kest who helped us a lot, though she doesn't admit to it. Today, along with the people of Deltora, we defeated him and my father lived to see his life's dream come true. Now as the queen's right hand and second in comand, I hope to lead everyone into the age of peace and prosperity. But for that to happen, I'm going need some good friends around...

" Kest! Jasmine!" cried May. " Where are you?!" She stopped to take a breather with Lief not too far behind. She looked up to see Jasmine and Kest just in her reach. They stopped.
'' How did you know?'' whispered Jasmine.
'' What do you mean?'' asked May, taking in a few breaths.
'' You're not actually leaving, are you?'' asked Lief, frowning. May shook her head, desperately.
" You can't!" Jasmine sighed.
" Of course, I am. I don't want to be living in a great, big palace."
" Although, it sounds great I'd rather stay somewhere where I can fly freely. It's not easy, being part dragon, y'know?'' explained Kest.
" Yeah, it would be great but it has walls and ceilings. I belong in th--"
" Then I'm coming with you," she said, stamping her foot, childishly.
" What?! Don't be rational,'' exclaimed Kest, franticly.
" I've got an even better idea," said Lief, as he came out of his thinking." We'll tear the whole place down!''
" Yes!" said May." Wait, what?"
" And we'll build it so that the gardens will be forests. We're changing all of Del, you'll see." May nodded.
" That's right. It'll be amazing. But it won't be fun if you guys miss out," mused May, mischievously.
" Sure, it's going to take sometime. But it's not going to be easy. That's why we need you guys. We can't do this without you," said Lief, smiling.
" Really?!'' squealed Kest, her mind daydreaming of flying over walls and the pranks she could do.
" But how can we help you?" asked Jasmine, looking down." I don't know anything. I'm just a wild girl and Kest is... Well, she's just Kest, remember?''
" And is there something wrong with that?" growled Kest. Jasmine quickly looked away. May and Lief looked at each other, the two of them sensing the stiffness in the air.
" But that's why we need you two!" exclaimed May. Lief nodded.
" Just as you are now, just the way you've always been. That's why..."
"... We consider you guys our friends," said off May, smiling.
" I would have to agree," smirked Barda, he stood under a tree with his cloak. Jasmine smiled.
" Big surprise there..." Kest just stared at him in awe.
" How did you do that? I didn't even notice you. That's so cool," she gasped, as she 'ohh'ed and 'ahh'ed at him.
" Please stay." Lief and May looked at hem with pleading eyes. Jasmine smiled to herself and looked at them.
" Okay, fine." May and Lief clapped." But don't expect me to stay here forever. I'm only doing this because you need my help. Not to mention, Filli and Krew would probably miss you."
" Oh, come on. Admit it, you want to stay," slurred Kest, leaning onto Jasmine." Come on, Admit it! Admit it!" She jumped up and down, shuffling her hair.
" Hey, stop that," squeaked Jasmine." Ow, ow, ow! That hurts. Stop it!'' Lief, May and Barda just laughed.
" Hey guys! Over here!'' The five of them stopped and turned around to find Manus, Doom and Glock coming towards them.
" Let's go. There's some important stuff we want to discuss about," said Glock.
" Yeah. Hurry up or have you five found another quest to set out on already," smirked Doom.
"We were just... Never mind," said May." We're coming!"
" What do you say? Should we we go join them?" asked Barda. Kest grinned.
" You bet."
" I'm in," smiled Jasmine.
"Absolutely," said May.
" Then let's race," exclaimed Lief. Everyone agreed and began running. May felt a cold shiver and she looked in the bushes behind her, she walked over to them. She met with Nebe, Teru, Melli and Ruen.
" I'm guessing, you guys are set on another adventure," she smiled. Nebe grinned.
" We are, but we will be back your highness," she said, bowing. The others following her lead.
" We are adventurers discovering lands across Deltora, you know what I mean?'' smirked Teru, leaning forward.
" Oh yes. Please do fill me in on your adventures when you ever come back,'' replied May, leaning in. They clapped, grinning.
" Please take care of yourself, your majesty," said Ruen. May nodded.
" I could be saying that to all of you," she said, her hands on her hips.
" W-We can take c-care of ourselves," stuttered Milli, proudly. May bent to his level and ruffled with his hair.
" I know. Please promise me you will keep watch for me." Millie nodded, grinning selflessly.
" You better head back before they realize your missing," said Teru, staring at Milli. May stood up and dusted her dress.
" I guess so..."
" And I think it's about time we get going," said Nebe, she turned around." Until then." May nodded, solemnly and sighed as she watched them walk off into another adventure of their own.
" See you soon," said May, waving. She watched until they were out of sight and put her had down. She looked down at the belt and smiled, silently praying for her friend's safety. In the horizon, she saw her companions far ahead and she sighed in dismay. Lifting the hem of her enormous dress, she made her way back to them. When she reached them, she panted, out of breath. When she regained composure, the group started to walk together. Lief looked at May, curiously. May tilted her head.
" What's wrong?" He shook his head.
" Nothing..." May shrugged it off, and continued walking. She stopped and turned back to Lief with a smile.
" Say Lief, would you want to go on an adventure again?"
" That would be nice," he fumbled, startled. She grinned
" I just have the feeling we'll be on one sooner than we think." Kest bonged her on the head.
" You're not going anywhere until your wounds have finished healing." May rubbed her head.
" Yes. Yes." The others laughed.
" I'm glad. She looks happy," smiled Jasmine. Lief frowned.
" She may look like that, but I think she's taken the biggest toll out of any of us," he said, solemnly." She now has to carry a large burden for the prosper of Deltora."
" That's where we come in," joined Kest. The two nodded.
" She's need the all the help she can get," said Lief." Deltora is at the beginning of a new age and life as we know it will change." They watched as May stood in the wind, her presence giving a peaceful feeling. She turned around with a smile on her face.
" What are we waiting around for? We've got a country to mend." They walked on, facing the world ahead of them together.

To be continued in the next book...

If you haven't already read " The Arrival, book #1", please do. The continuation of this book," Ruler of Deltora" will be out soon. Thank you for reading the end of this book it really means a lot to me. After all, editing this book took some time, but I ended up finishing on my birthday. I can finally leave this book in peace. Thank you for your cooperation.

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