Chaper 23

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Lief ran towards the staircase with May behind him. They were met with with grey guards coming down and Lief clashed swords with them.
" Keep on running, May!" he cried." I'll catch up with you." May nodded, running ahead. When she reached the top, she looked around to face Lief's parents gagged up and tied to the pole. She glanced at the two grey guards beside them and kicked them in the stomach, in swift speed. They both crutched forward in pain. May dusted her hands and started walking towards them. One stood back up with their sword held high, May ran toward the grey guard, taking out her blunt knife and stabbed him deeply. He yelled in pain, before inflating to the floor. The second growled, running with rage. May jumped up and landed on his back with a grin.
" Sorry for the intrusion, but I'll take it from here," she mused, stabbing him in the back. With a little push, she got down and turned around in time to see the grey guard toppled down. She tutted, dusting her herself off as she made her way towards Lief's parents. She slowly removed their gags and untied them. They descended to the floor, feeling it with their hands. She smiled and took off their blindfolds.
" Hi there," she waved, sheepishly. They gave her strange looks before looking at each other. May scratched her head." How you holding up?" Anna shook her head and smiled.
" I'm sorry, dear. My name is Anna, this here is Jarred." May nodded.
" Lief told me all about you guys. He loves you very much."
" Thank you for saving us," replied Jarred. May smiled.
" Anytime." Anna stared at her hard.
" You..." May tilted her head in confusion.
" Mother! Father!" She turned to see Lief running their way. She moved out of the way for Lief as he knelt down and smiled with happiness, a Geary look in his eye.
" Are you alright?"
" We're fine," said Jarred.
" Oh, Lief!" cried Anna. The three hugged, happy to be together again. She smiled at the family reunion, when she heard ear-piercing clamor of swords clashing together, she turned around to see Barda fighting Fallow. That's went she realized that he was preventing Fallow from getting near them.
" There's no time for that! Leave while you can!" grunted Barda, as he deflected one of Fallow's moves.
" Your a true friend Barda, but-"
" Jarred! You need to get out of here! This is my fight!" May tensed up with the venom in his voice.
" Barda's right, we should get you out of here. It's not safe up here," she reasoned. Jarred nodded and wobbled as he stood. Lief caught him before he could fall, while May gave Anna a helping hand. The clattering of two swords continued to fight together. They were eye to eye, when they let go, panting. Then leap back in to attack.
" Do you have any idea, of who I am?" asked Barda." I've been waiting for this day for years. For you see I made a promise 17 years ago that I would protect the palace and everyone in lives in it. For my friends, but most of all my mother... I will destroy you!"
" I will see about that," said Fallow, as he ran forwards. Barda charged in at great speed and knocked Fallow's sword out of his hand. Fallow took a step back in fear.
" No, wait! You wouldn't hurt an unharmed man, would you?"
" So I suggest you stop wining and pick up your sword." Fallow smirked, then jumped back grabbing a three-ledged fork spear.
" Ha! This is going to be easy! I knew you were going to be soft!"
" Heh, do you really think that weapon is going to help you?" scoffed Barda. Fallow growled and charged forward. And the two of them continued to fight.
Down below, Glock had just finished off a grey guard, when he glanced around for anymore. Everyone else was a loss as well. There was no more grey guards. They had won. Clash! Clank! Clang! The sound of sword fighting still wandered through the air.
" That's it?" asked Glock. Manus shook his head.
" The only one left is Fallow." They looked up above, to see Barda and Fallow's fight.
Fallow laughed at Barda, as he backed away." Now you see human! It's impossible now for you to defeat me! Give up, you already lost the fight!" He yelled, mockingly.
" I will give up when the rightful heir is on the throne!" replied Barda. Fallow grinned, at his response. They charged towards each other at high speed, their voices saturated the air. Then their weapons clashed.

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