Chapter 33

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With the emerald in sight, Gla-thon ran towards it at great speeds. As she grew near, she noticed an Ak-Baka aiming for it too.
emerald, for her dear life. Until she noticed an Ak-Baba aiming to get it, too.
" Hey you! Back off!" She roared, angrily. The ask-Baka was hit by a blast of smoke. Confused, Gal-thon stopped and looked up. More blasts of explosions hit the Ak-Baka, and it roared in pain. Above it, the kin clan flew with dread dwarfs in their pouches.
" The kin..." She smiled, happily. Above it, all the kin clan flew with dread gnomes in their pouches. May flew besides them and waved.
" It's great for you to join us, Reed-on." The little red-headed gnome chuckled.
" We hoped to come earlier, but these took more time than we expected!" he replied, taking another bottle of poison and dropping it on another Ak-Baba.

Barda panted as he searched of the gems. The sparkle of a gen caught his eyes and he turned to find the topaz ahead of him, he sighed in relief. Then an Ak-Baka landed nearby and prepared itself to collect the gem. Barda growled.
" Don't you even think about it. It's not going to be easy, just as the last time." He got his sword out, ready to fight. The Ak-Baba screeched, and attacked Barda with its tail. Barda dodged it. The Ak-Baka stuck again and this time he wasn't so lucky. The Ak-Baka turned back to the topaz and placed it carefully in its mouth.
" Where do you think your going?" asked Barda, placing his sword back in his sheath." I won't let you take it. Not now, not ever!" He charged for the beast's mouth and tried opening its jaws with his bare hands. He pulled with all his strength, until the creatures mouth opened and he quickly recovered the topaz. The Ak-Baka screeched with rage and thrashed about, Barda lose his balance and jumped off. He stood up, and once again looked up at the Ak-Baba, when the topaz shone brighter as a beam of light. He opened his hands and the light overwhelmed him. He opened his eyes to find himself in a white, empty space.
" What's going on?" he asked himself. Eerie silence was his only reply. The mist shifted itself into a figure and he narrowed his eyes. The figure smiled dotingly, Barda's eyes widened.
" Mother..." She walked towards him and held his hand.
" My son you have grown into a fine, young man."
" Oh mother... I'm so sorry... I wasn't able to save you back then."
" Don't worry, Barda. It's alright" said his mother softly, shaking her head." I know you did the best you could. You couldn't have known what was going on."
" But, if I'd... If I'd payed more attention to what you were saying, I could of saved you. I could of prevented all of this." Min caressed his face with her hand, gently.
" None of us have the power to change the past, no matter how much we want too. But, we can change the future. Barda, you can change it by protecting those who are most important to you."
" Mother..." Barda whispered, he closed his eyes trying to keep the tears in.
" Draw on your strength. Even as a boy, you showed much determination. I believe in you, my son..." She soon disappeared like the mist and Barda opened his eyes to find himself back at the palace, the topaz's light fading away. Bards looked up at the ask-Baka with determination. With a hand on his sword, he took a fighting position.
" You drove me from this palace once, but that won't ever happen again!" He took out his sword and charged at the Ak-Baka with great force.

Deltora Quest FanFic: The Big Surprise!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz