Chapter 22

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" Fallow! Let them go!" yelled Barda, furiously. Instead, more grey guards surrounded them, from every corner.
" You're not in the condition for giving orders," snorted Fallow. He turned to Lief." So, Lief what will it be?" Lief stayed silence for a few seconds, his face filled with sorrow and regret.
" Father... Mother..." May's face turned soft with sympathy. It was just too cruel.
" It's your choice, boy," sniggered Fallow." It's either you, or I'll make it for you." Lief took a step back, and looked down at the belt.
" Very good. That's more like it," said Fallow." Now bring it here." He started to laugh.
" It can't be easy for you, I'm sure. I can't imagine how much you could have gone through, in collecting those seven gems. And now you're going to have to give it to me."
Lief's father, Jarred, tilt his head on the side when he heard this.
" Could it be..." He lifted his head up." Lief! Listen to me!" Lief looked up, overwhelmed he was able to talk to her father again.
" Father, I'm here! And I have collected all seven gems! But now..." he looked down, downcast.
" Jarred, can you heard me! Are you fine!" asked Barda, loudly.
" Yes, Barda. I'm fine, especially knowing that you completed the quest," exclaimed Jarred." I knew... That the two of you could make it... Thank you..."
" I've had enough of this family reunion. Give me the belt! Do it now," yelled Fallow, angrily.
" No!" cried Jarred." Don't give him the belt. He must be never be allow to touch it. What happens to us doesn't matter. We are, but two simple people. That belt can save all Deltora from the Shadow Lord!" Fallow growled at him.
" Shut him up already!" The grey guard posted to Jarred and pulled out his spear beneath Jarred's neck. Raising it higher and higher.
" No! Stop it!" Yelled Lief, frantically.
" I don't care, finish me off now," said Jarred.
" Father..."
" Well, Lief. His life is in your hands," said Fallow, grinning. Lief looked down at the belt, then at everyone else. He turned towards the belt, his hands struggling with his conscious, when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He turned back to see May, she smiled softly and shook her head. Lief nodded, letting go of the belt and looked back at Fallow. Fallow just laughed.
" As you wish, boy. But that doesn't really change anything. That just means we know who to start with first!" He turned to his grey guards." Finish them slowly. I want you to make sure they suffer. I want the boy to see every minute of it, for it was he who decided their fate." Both grey guards nodded, raising their weapons in front of the two victims.
" Everything will be okay my son. The future of Deltora is what matters now..." said Jarred.
" He's right, Lief," replied Anna, in a soft voice.
" I will keep the belt safe in all costs because that what I promised my father and mother!" said Lief, taking his sword out and started to attack grey guards to their surprise. May grinned.
" Right behind ya."

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