Chapter 40

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Silence consumed the palace as everyone watched dimly, with their heads held low. They all felt devastated as they began to lost all hope. The fear of everything returning back to the way it is was too much. Then twinkles of airy lights dimmed through he heap, where Lief and May laid under. Everyone took a closer look look at the glittering lights. When a pillar of light beamed the enormous pile reaching high into the sky. It then began to form itself.
" What is this?" cried the Shadow Lord, in a angry tone. The light formed into a man and with one hand, it grabbed the Shadow Lord with two hands. The image cleared to reveal a man in particular. Jarred's eyes widened.
" That looks like..." Endon, who was on Jarred's lap, opened his eyes wearily to see the sight before him. The man in light lifted the Shadow Lord with his bare hands, and with all its strength it flipped him over. Endon wided his eyes in recogition.
'' It looks like it's drawing from the belt of Deltora.'' The Shadow Lord struggled to get himself together, when he got up, angrily.
'' Nebe! Where are you when I need you?'' He barked, frustratedly, to what seemed to be... coughing? Nebe flinched at his words and looked away. A lot of people's eyes glued to the coaked girl in blue with questions in their minds. The large man in light heistated a little and the Shadow Lord took this opportunity to blast it with his explosive power. The man in light stumbled to the stony ground. The Shadow Lord grunted in pain from the lost of power. The man in light slowly stood back up and built a charge of pure light around it, making it seem more powerful than before. The girl in the main in light took her sword out of her hilt, the figure imitated her. With confidence she stood gracfully, the belt of Deltora shining brightly around her waist. As she brought her sword forward, so did the man in light. The Shadow Lord groaned in agony.
'' This power! I'll felt it before!'' He brought the last of his powers forward and aimed with full power. He was too weak and the sword cut through easily. He yelled in pain, as the sword hit him between the eyes.
" Nebe! Tani--" His body disappeared into thin air.
Nebe's heart pumped fast at her father's last words. Tania...
Everything went silent. Ak-Baba flew away, ols disappeared and the grey guards fell into a clump on the ground. All evil slipped way, leaving behind the ruins of a castle. Darkness couldn't hide and was extinginshed by the morning light. All hope arose, the Shadow Lord was defeated and Deltora was safe again. They were free and the Shadow Lord was gone forever. Or so they thought.

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