Chapter 38

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" Nebe?" asked Lief, in surprise. Nebe didn't say a word, and raised him up. Lief stumbled a bit and looked at her.
" Nebe, what are you doing here?" Nebe jingled the Belt in her hands, impatiently." Nebe, what's wrong?" There was a long pause, until Nebe frowned.
" You're hurt." Lief looked down at himself to find cuts and bruises formed all over him, especially the huge gash on his right cheek. He shook his head.
" I can't stop now. I have to keep going, no matter what!" He cried, shaking his head. Nebe sighed.
" That's why I've got a plan." She leaned in Lief's ear, and whispered to him her plan. Lief nodded in response and sat down. Nebe smiled and waved her hands around in the air.
" You who! Shadow Lord! Over here!" The Shadow Lord gazed down in surprise.
" Nebe?!" Nebe grinned, from under her cloak." Hello father, no time no see."
" What are you doing here? Do you have the crystals?" asked the Shadow Lord, slowly. Nebe shrugged.
" Maybe I do, maybe I don't." The Shadow Lord raised his eyes in confusion.
" How?... Why?.. What's wrong with you?" He asked, blankly. Nebe only glared.
" Nothing's wrong with me father, or should I say deceiver," she scowled, bitterly.
" You lied to me! You told that this land was pitiful, that the people here were weak and poor. But now I see that it was you who made it this way!" He remained silent.
" The people are caring and nice! They're suffering because of you! And do you see this!" Nebe held the ice crystal in her hands." This is what told me this, and this is all I have of my mother!" she screamed, angrily." You're not my father! And nor will you ever be!" She crossed her arms in frustration.
" As you see, I do not feel obliged to give you the crystals, they don't deserve someone like you. I would rather help these pitiful people get their country back!" Nebe looked over to the nearest person available.
" Teru! Pass the belt on." She tossed it over to the dark blonde-haired boy, and he ran with the Belt over to Melli. He was out of breath by the time he did and he whispered into Melli's ear, who nodded in response and ran ahead.
Nebe knelt down next to Lief, sadly and concentrated on healing him with her ice crystal. Lief looked up at her with a gentle face, as she healed him. When she finished, she sighed.
" Go." Lief blinked, and got out of his daze. He stumbled up, and looked back at Nebe. Nebe shook her head.
" Go Lief, don't worry about me. You've got the whole country counting on you."
The belt, which was now in Melli's hands, was handed to Ruen. He ran with the belt fast, and no trouble at all. He passed the belt to Akun. Akun looked around to give it someone, and jumped over a rock thrown at him. The Shadow Lord growled in frustration. Akun scanned his eyes, when he saw Jasmine's arms waving crazily. He smirked, as he ran over to her. When he did, he handed her the belt.
" Pass the belt to Lief," he whispered. Jasmine nodded and headed in Lief's direction. When she caught up wit him, she passed him the belt.
" Do your best! We're all counting on you," she said, pumped up. Lief smiled with gratitude and ran as fast as his legs could take him.
" May!" May looked over her shoulder in surprise.
" Lief?!" She looked at the Belt in his hands, and widened her eyes." The belt..."
They ran to each other at full pace, when the Shadow Lord grew furious and slammed his fists. The impact brought a large earthquake, which shook the ground. Lief and May looked at each other with scared faces. When within close reach, May reached for the belt as it dangled in mid-air as piles of earth came crumbling on top of them...

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