Chapter 35

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'' You miserable scrums, you have sealed your fate! You will pay for this!'' roared the Shadow Lord in rage. ' Your rebellion ends here!''
'' We're done for'' squeaked Manus, backing away.
'' T-This is the Shadow Lord?'' gasped Jasmine, frightened. Filli squeaked in response, shivering. Amongst the smoke, Lief noticed Endon struck under a pile of rocks, struggling to get out. He ran towards him, when the Shadow Lord glanced over and threw big boulders at him. Lief barely managed to escape and fell back.
" Lief!" He turned to Endon's voice.'' They have to be in the right order! You must re-arrange the gems on the belt! Only then can May...''
" Wait there! I'm coming!" He shouted, standing up.
" No! Don't come over here!" bellowed Jarred." Do as he tells you, we will watch over him for you. Right now your only duty is to the people of Deltora. You and May are their only hope. Now find the gems and restore the belt!'' Life took a deep breath and calmed himself.
" I will." Life started to run and the Shadow Lord started chase after him. Piles of rock began to fall upon Lief, though he managed to past them as he continued to run. The Shadow Lord grew impatient and went to grab Lief with his hand. Lief slipped through his fingers, but the impact sent him flying. He laid under a pile of rocks to rethink his decisions, Endon's voice occupying his head.
" The correct order, Lief."
" But what is the right order? How am I supposed to figure that out?" he muttered. He recalled his lessons with his father.
'' You listening, son?'' asked Endon, opening the book.
'' Listening,'' replied Lief, eagerly.
'' Now then," started Endon." These seven gems worked together to make a spell. But, only when it is completed like it was first fashioned by Adin, only then can the belt be able to defeat the enemy."
Lief looked up to meet May's gaze and it seemed that she was trying to say something. He followed her lips movements and worded them out loud.
" Gems... Creates a spell... Deltora... That's it!" His eyes widened and he stood up, promptly. He ran out and confronted the Shadow Lord.
" Hey Shadow Lord!" The Shadow Lord looked at him, angrily." You see this belt I'm holding here! King Adin created it with the help of the seven tribes, using the gems they gave him," yelled Lief, waving the belt in his arms.
" Adin took each letter from each of the gems, to arrange them to spell out the name of his country." Lief looked down at the belt." That means, that the correct order on the belt, from left to right is D for Diamond. E for Emerald. L for Lapis Lazuli. T for Topaz. O for Opal. R for Ruby. A for Amethyst. In this way, the gems spell... DELTORA."Lief turned to the everyone else." I need your help! All of you! You must bring to me the gems and I will place them on the belt just as Adin did. Then we can restore Deltora together!" Everyone cheered. Lief placed the belt around his waist and looked to see who was close by.
" Manus! You first!" He nodded, and Lief ran over to him. Grey guards covered his path. He made his way though went over to Manus.
" Do you have the gem?" asked Lief.
" Yes, I do," nodded Manus. Manus held out the Ruby towards Lief. Lief smiled, as he grabbed for it. He secured the Ruby around the belt. The Ruby grows pale in the presence of evil, or when misfortune threatens its wearer. With the ruby secured around the belt, it left only six more gems to go.

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