Chapter 14

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Inside the palace walls, Lief, May, Kest and Dain followed Manus through different, intertwining hallways. May had released herself from Lief, saying she was alright. She didn't want to trouble anyone, especially when she saw Lief's determination, she knew she didn't want to slow them down. But her injuries was just getting worse. She looked up to see a brick wall up ahead.
" It's a dead end," said Lief.
" No it isn't. Just watch," said Manus, placing his hands on the brick wall. He pushed a stone backwards and the wall separated, revealing a secret passageway.
" Nice. This place has loads of secrets," said Lief, amazed. Manus walked into the secret passageway, beckoning everyone to follow.
" Guys... I don't think I can go any further," whimpered May, in a small voice. They turned to her, as she fell onto her knees.
" Then let us help you," said Kest.
" But I am slowing the group down and I can't forgive myself for that. It's best to leave me here. You're all right, maybe I am too-"
" No! You are not weak and we are not going to leave you here. I don't care if it takes us all day. It is my fault you're wounded, so I'm going to be the one to help you recover," said Lief, fiercely.
" Wait a second. You were the one to blame for her injuries?" questioned Kest. Lief looked away, shamefully.
" Yeah, I remember now. He tried to stab me in the heart, but ended up stabbing her instead," explained Dain, bluntly. Kest was furious now.
" Lief, you... You better make up for this, otherwise don't expect me to forgive you!" She bellowed.
" I'm sorry..."
" Oh. You're going to have to do more than that, or I'll ..." May grabbed onto her.
" It's okay, Kest. It was an accident."
" An accident? A very bad accident!" She cried, waving her arms in the air.
" You know, when we get there. We could give May some treatment," suggested Manus, slowing down. "Let's walk."
It was when everyone had calmed down Manus began to continue talking.
" This palace has lots of hidden doors and passageways," he explained." And lots of trick doors like the one back there. The royal family used these in case of invasions. Most of them were only known the rulers of Deltorans and us Ralads, of course."
" Glad to hear," said Lief sheepishly. " I know I've said this before, but we're really glad to have you in the team."
" You really did save us now and those times back then," smiled May, inscrutably. Manus smiled, in embarrassment.
" We're here."  He stopped in front of a brick wall. Everyone knew their exceptions, thanks to the truck earlier on. Manus placed his hands on the stone, making it separate. Lief and the others squinted their eyes from the glowing light. When the wall separated, it revealed a bright room with all their comrades inside. Lief grinned with delight
" Oh boy. You don't know, just how happy I am to see you guys again."
" And us, as well," replied Zeean.
" Glad to see you unharmed," said Fardeep.
" Yeah. We were worried about you," said Gla-thon.
" So Lief. Tell us what happened to Dain," asked Glock.
" I'm right here," said Dain, defending himself, walking into the room followed by Kest holding May. Everyone gasped, and stood in their attack positions.
" Don't worry everyone. He's on our side," assured May, firmly.
" What happened to you?" Everyone seemed to ask at once. May's eyebrows twitched.
" Dain is officially on our side."
" How do you know we can trust him?" asked Gla-thon unsurely.
" Isn't he an ol?" asked Glock, growling.
" I've tested him for myself," replied May." Please place the belt around Dain's waist, Lief." Lief nodded and did what she ordered. He placed the belt around Dain, no reaction occurred.
" And what is that suppose to mean?"questioned Glock.
" The belt-" May sensed an overwhelming feeling taking over, and she ended up in a fit of coughs.
"... The belt destroys evil. If Dain was evil, then the belt would of destroyed him," explained Lief. Everyone nodded, understanding the case. May rubbed her mouth.
" Sorry about that. But right now, our first priority is getting back Jasmine, Barda and Doom..." said May, before her legs failed her and she fell into Kest's arms.
" Why don't you rest for a bit?" asked Kest.
" But!..." Kest grew impatient.
" I said sleep!" She gave a large blow to the head and May finally close her eyes. Everyone looked alarmed, but Kest smiled.
" Don't worry. She'll be sleeping soundly." Lief nodded, hesitantly returning back to the subject.
" Fallow said to bring the belt to the throne room.... But we also can't leave them behind...."
" Then, what are we going do?" asked Fardeep.
" We're going to fight. We'll go in groups; Zeean, Fardeep, Stephen, Kest, Dain and May stay here for now. Please take care if her wounds for me," said Lief, looking over at May's tired body leaning on Kest.
" We're at your disposal," The three said in unison. Kest and Dain just nodded.
" Now Gla-thon, Nainon and Glock. You three come with me." They nodded in agreement.
" I'll come too. You'll need a guide," said Manus.
" Thanks, that'll be great. Let's go!"

In the palace prison

In the palace prison, a certain person wasn't looking too good, either. Doom shivered, his body nurturing the pain, as his eyes continued to delude itself.
" Oh Jas--mine, I know you'll be fine... You're so brave... My beautiful, little daugh--ter..." Jasmine remained silent. Filli whimpered.
" Did I hear him correctly? Did he say you were his daughter?" asked Barda, confused. Jasmine didn't answer and continued staring at Doom.
" I'm so sorry. The birds and animals were your only friends. The Forest of Silence is a terrible place for a child to grow in..." continued Doom, drifting off.
" D-daddy?....." breathed Jasmine, astonished." It is true? It is really?"
" It may seem he is regaining his memories," muttered Barda.
" That forest was evil, anyone venturing in there, meet their end there... Even the children.. Aaragh!" Doom yelled in pain, Jasmine instantly grabbed his hand and cried.
" No! Please don't leave me! Not at a time like this!"
" Your mother hated it.... But it was the only place that was safe.... I-I'm so sorry..." Doom said, a tear trickling down his face.
"No.... Don't leave me..." said Jasmine, softly. There was heavy silence in the room.
They heard the crackling, loud noise of the door opening. In entered Fallow with his few grey guards.
" It wouldn't be long before your friends try to rescue you," he grinned." Grey guards, take them out!" The grey guards escorted them out of prison.

Somewhere inside the palace

" Do we even know where they are?" asked Nainon, as five of them walked through the dark hallway.
" All Fallow said was to bring them to the throne room," answered Lief, wearily.
" Which means we'll have cut through to the middle of the palace," said Manus, holding the railing in the end wall.
" Are you sure this is the best way?" said Lief, unsurely.
" I am, plus this way leads us straight to the armoury," explained Manus, climbing up.
" Well, isn't that convenient," grinned Glock, following after him. When they had reached the end of the pathway, Manus lifted the trapdoor opening above them, revealing the empty armoury.
" It's clear," said Manus, climbing out. Everyone not so far behind. When they got to their feet, they all looked at the armory in awe, except for Manus. The armoury was filled with weapons and fighting tools, even armour.
"There's some really heavy duty stuff in here," said Glock, looking at the fighting materials.
" Yeah, it was a very good idea,'' agreed Gla-thon, staring at the rows of arrows. In haste, the group gathered weapons needed, plus the additional sword and dagger Lief brought for May.
'' There's a connecting walkway across this door,'' said Manus. Lief nodded.
'' Alright. I'm guessing there will be guards out there. Let's go!''

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