Chapter 3

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The five continued to walk, until they met a dead end.
" But it's supposed to lead us into the palace not to a dead end," said Lief, franticly, looking up at the wall and down to the map. Jasmine walked towards the stone structure and pushed it.
" Yeah, I don't think it's gonna budge," she stated. Kest laughed.
" I wonder..." She laughed some more.
" Then why don't you try?" protested Jasmine. Kest crossed her arms.
" I'm not gonna even bother." Jasmine growled underneath her breath. Filli started jumping up and down on Jasmine's shoulder, making squeaky noises. Jasmine looked up and found their way out. A trapdoor.
" Quick someone, give me a lift," asked Jasmine, urgently.
" Someone give the girl a lift, I'm not lifting the bear," said Kest, backing away. Jasmine got ready to strangle her. Lief, who had enough of this, stood in between them.
" Please, don't start fighting again. Barda could you do it?" He looked at Barda. Barda folded his arms.
" Only if it will keep these two from fighting." Kest nodded her head.
" Be my guest," she said with a bow. She shuffled to the side with the motion. Barda bent down for Jasmine and she hopped on his back.
" So... What do you see?" asked Lief, curiously.
" Yeah, Jasmine. What you see?" Kest mimicked. Jasmine growled again, and she poked her tongue out before jumping right though.
" Hey Jasmine! What are you doing?!" yelled Lief, crunching to see though the trapdoor.
" I knew it, she can be a nuisance sometimes" growled Kest. " That girl gets on my nerves..." Then they heard a yelp and a clattering sound, soon Jasmine came to appearance.
" Come on out, you guys! The coast is clear!" She shouted from up top. The others hoisted each other up, while Jasmine waited. She walked up to Kest and whispered in a voice only Kest could hear.
" So much for being a nuisance."
" You could at least help us get up," Kest snarled. Jasmine crossed her arms and walked off with Lief. They looked either sides of the clearing, before following along. Behind Liefs orders.
" The palace prison is this way," he said, turning right. The others followed, not too far behind.

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