Chapter 10

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''You're not so smart than I thought.'' Dain looked at the belt, dangling at the end of his dagger. The assembled either perplexed or at a loss." You have no idea do you?''
'' What's wrong?'' Life trembled as he stood up.
'' Oh, nothing... On the contrary, everything's going prefect!" Dain continued to laugh evilly, the rumbling thunder growling in distance.
'' What's gotten into you? Just stop it!'' exclaimed Lief, hesitantly taking a step forward. Drain stopped and grin from ear to ear.
'' You still don't get it, do you? It's sad to say, that you weren't smart than I thought you were." With a flick of his wrist, the belt clattered to the floor.'' Though May was clever enough to figure it out, she doesn't make smart choices." He looked in May's direction. Frozen on the spot, everyone stared at May with curious eyes.
'' You humans are so gullible. It's a relieve that I don't have to pretend to be one of you. I was getting so tired of it. It hasn't be easy, you have no idea how frustrating it was to me. Not to be able to tell you how pathetic you are.''
'' What-t is this?'' Lief faltered to understand the situation. Dain laughed, clutching on his side.
'' You had no idea I had taken a shape of a dagger. You even apologised to me for losing it. Even if Doom did the favour of explaining level 3 Ols had the ability to transform into anything, you never suspected a thing, not even for a moment!''
'' It was you! You were the spy!"
'' Exactly. You took me along, and let me know all your secret plans. What I liked best, was when you went all teary eyes, all worrying about me. Meanwhile, I was right there, by your hip watching your every move, trying not to bust out laughing."
'' So you had Ichabod take you away on purpose... to make us think you had your life in danger?'' asked Kest, stunned. Jasmine growled.
'' How dare you take advantage of us like that!''
" Oh, I forgot. You and I had something special between us, didn't we, Kest?" Kest quivered, her amulet -a gift from Dain- fell to the ground. Dain grinned, placing his hand on his chin.
'' Don't get too upset, you didn't come out here for nothing. I thought May was your friend too."
'' May... Were you part of this too?" asked Lief. All eyes laid on May. May shivered, she looked away.
" I had nothing to do with this creep. I shouldn't have been taken, it wasn't suppose to-" She shut her mouth.
'' I had my reasons. She would have ruin all my plans, I couldn't risk the chance. She knew, it's surprising she kept her mouth shut,'' scoffed Dain. May kept herself from killing him right then and there. Life felt betrayed and he turned to May with a heartbroken face.
'' How long did you know this?'' May inhaled deeply.
'' Ever since I first met him, I had my suspicions."
'' So that was the reason you-," Kest's eyes widened in acknowledgement and May responded with a quick nod.
'' At least, she did me the favour,'' said Dain, shrugging his shoulders.
'' So you were the one who told the Shadow Lord our names. This was all just part of your plan,'' said Barda, breathless.
'' I guess you framed Jinks too,'' said Doom, in a low voice.
'' That's was the easiest part of the whole thing. It was sad, really. He thought, you were all his friends and you didn't believe him,'' snorted Dain. Doom grinned, half-heartily .
'' You should be proud of yourself for has tricking me for all these years." Everyone in the resistance growled.
'' You coward! You let me believe you were the next in line to the throne. I even considered you as one of my friends,'' said Lief, balling his fists.
'' My master created me for that very purpose, so all of you would believe in me,'' said Dain, putting his hands on his hips. '' Judging by your anger, it seems I did the part well." Lief looked taken back. Dain lifted the belt ever so carefully with his dagger again. '' Say goodbye to your precious belt. Your little quest is over!'' He laughed diabolically.'' I don't imagine this being such use to you, after its been turned to scrap metal." This made them all alarmed.
'' Don't look so hurt, I've had my own shares of trouble too. Being caught with those bumbling pirates was never part of the plan and Tora was quite dangerous for me, as well,'' He looked up at everyone, smirking.'' There was so many times, I just wanting to destroy you.'' Some grew bitter and resentful, clenching their fists.
'' But the Shadow Lord wisely urged me to wait, until we lured you into the palace. Now we've got you and the belt. Naturely, I didn't do this for him. The Shadow Lord and I made a deal you see. In return, of bringing you here, I will take Fallow's place as the master's most powerful servant! And with that, our business is done.'' He turned at everyone with a high-and-mighty gaze, then pointed at Lief with the dangling belt.
'' And Lief look at the bright side! At least, you'll meet your end at your home town!'' And just like that, the doors bursted open, Ols of all kinds infiltrated the room. They were trapped.

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