Chapter 39

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Underneath the piles of rocks, a luminous dim light glowed in front of Lief in the darkness. His eyes fluttered and he looked at the belt, that gave the faint light. It was bright enough to see the rocks surrounding him. But one thing then caught his eye, it was a limp hand. Lief looked more closely to see a figure nearby. Their face laid peacefully in the darkness with the luminous light, dimly showing their presence. Hair glowing a bright yellow and their eyelashes fluttered, showing the pecks of deep blue.
" May?... Is that you?" He was given no response. He looked at the position she was in and saw she couldn't move at all. She's trapped.
" May!" He said, more desperately." Are you okay?" He reached out for her hand, and clasped it with his.
" May? Wake up! You need to be wake," he whispered, gently. No response.
" Hey!" Silence.
" Wake up!" Still nothing. He sighed, in defeat. He looked back at May, and saw her peaceful face and he whispered gently saying,'' Please wake up May. I'm begging you."
He breathed heavily, and closed his eyes. A crack of movements from the rocks stirred the place. Lief glanced over to May to see her breathing heavily, her eyes twitching.He watched with hope as her eyes fluttered open. At first, she stared at her surroundings until her eyes landed on Lief.
" Lief?..."Lief smiled.
" Yes, I'm here." May moved her lips into a crooked smile.
" What's that light?..."
" It's the belt. It was how I was able to see you." May stayed silent." What's wrong?" he asked. She didn't respond, instead he only heard her intense breathing. Lief quickly went to action and reached for belt, sliding it over to May.
" Put it on," he said, with hast. May nodded, and slowly brought the belt to her. She struggled in her trapped position, but soon managed to tie it around. As soon as she clipped the belt onto her waist, the luminous light faded away, leaving the darkness to engulfed itself back into being.

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